7 Steps For A Stress Free Mind
There is popular saying – ‘You can’t live a positive life with a negative and stressed mind.’ A negative mind is constantly in grip of negative thoughts and is burdened with pessimistic approach in every sphere of life. It is a stressed mind and as per law of attraction, if your mind is stressed, you have more of negativity on your mind that will further attract all the negative things you think.
It is also said that – ‘When mind is weak, a situation is a problem. When mind is balanced, a situation is a challenge and when mind is strong, situation becomes an opportunity.’ Your mind is the powerhouse of potential. When you have confidence in your potential, then your life will change.
You spend a lot of money to enhance your physical appearance and to become fit and healthy, but what about our mental health? The current lifestyle has made life so busy, that people need to have a stress free and a healthy mind to live life happily. You need to understand that the stress accumulated at work, home and society is testing your mental capability to cope with it. Consider it a challenge and have confidence to overcome stress. A relaxed mind is capable of winning over anything and there is nothing that is impossible for a person with a healthy mind. If you really want to make your life simple and enjoy every moment without worrying, then follow these 7 steps for a stress free mind:
Positive Self Talks
Self talk is the biggest tool that you can effectively use to set the mood for a great start in the morning. You are your biggest motivator and you can change the way you look at life with positive self talk. By self talking, you gauge your potential and you challenge yourself to come across any hurdle. At the same time, negative self talks can make you feel low and depressed about yourself because it creates a picture of failure in your mind. Negative self talk can become endless if you start blaming yourself for any failure, think that you are not capable of doing it and you start imagining negative things about everything. Better, start your day with positive self talk saying that you are organized for the day and ready to kick it off positively irrespective of the results.
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Read Positive Books
To keep your mind stress free, you must keep it calm and patient. To keep all negative thoughts away from your mind and to indulge in something that keeps your mind at peace, is a good dosage of positive books. Your mind mostly feels stress at night and you cannot head to bed with a whirlpool of negative thoughts. You need to give your mind a respite before you call it night. Purchase best selling positive books that motivates your mind to think and imagine positive before sleeping so that you don’t feel the burden of stress even in the morning and you are more capable of handling versatile situations calmly.
Limit The Time Spent In Watching Television
While most of us watch television for endless hours saying that it is just a source of entertainment, think for a second what impact it is having on our ideologies and perceptions. Television has become the largest source of acquiring negativity with brutal shows showcasing murders, loots and other crimes along with harshly spoken political debates that is inducing feeling of aggression among people, especially youth. We actually are accumulating others’ stress too! So we must actually limit the hours we spend on television and must prefer to watch shows that teach a lesson or that manifests some positive message.
Ensure Adequate Sleep
A healthy mind is mind that thinks rationally and with a calm attitude. When you are in contact with many people at work, home and society, you have loads of interactions that give you loads of information. You automatically feel the stress getting piled up in your mind by the day’s end. To relieve this stress that can be hazardous to you health in the long run, you need to address it with an easy measure called adequate rest. You need to take a sound sleep of 7 to 8 hours to ensure that your brain muscles are repaired and relaxed. Inadequate sleep can make you get irritated soon and you will constantly feel impatient.
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Perform Yoga & Meditation
One of the oldest techniques of tricking your mind and relaxing it completely is meditation and yoga. Your complete body and nervous system feels a soothing effect when you meditate or do yoga. Both of them, leads you to connect to yourself through the art of right breathing methods and you get disconnected from the world, which has given you stress. If you practice yoga or meditation for a month, then you will notice that you will become more patient and your aggression levels will go down. Search online for many yoga poses and meditation techniques and see for yourself, the drastic effect it has on your mental health.
Massage Your Scalp
Of all the senses we have, it is the sense of smell that triggers our mind to think about a thing in a different manner. At spas, to make you feel relaxed they massage your head with aromatic or herbal oils in a manner that you feel yourself completely relieved and rejuvenated. So massage your scalp with rosemary, olive or lavender oils to let the fragrance change your mental ambience while the massaging action releases strain from your brain muscles.
Eat Healthy & Drink Ample Water
You are mentally active when you are physically fit and you are satisfied with yourself. To keep your mind healthy and reduce stress, you must stay fit and healthy by incorporating more fruits and vegetables in your diet along with pulses and legumes. This will keep your mind contented about yourself and you will feel positive by looking at yourself. In addition, your brain tissues are composed of more than 70 percent with water, so it is very essential to keep yourself hydrated to have an active and healthy mind.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.