7 Reasons To Limit Caffeine Consumption
This post was last updated on September 22nd, 2023

Most people around the world follow the belief that consuming caffeine enables to activate their mind’s senses and wards off the feeling of laziness. By far, it is caffeine, whose consumption has been witnessing a stupendous rise. Caffeine is largely found in coffee, tea, colas, etc. Working people especially are consuming more of caffeine in the form of coffees. They prefer having three to four cups of coffee a day to keep their mind alert. It is true that coffee has refreshing properties owing to which increasing number of people are opting for it.
Though caffeine helps in improving concentration level and focus, but it is also true that it can adversely affect your health in the long run. As per medical studies, the average limit for caffeine consumption is 400 milligrams per day. If you are a person who is addicted to tea and coffee and cannot manage yourself at work without gulping down at least three cups of caffeine, then get ready for a reduced life span. It is the high caffeine consumption that has caused people in their 20s and 30s to suffer from heart diseases. Even your bones tend to get weak due to over intake of caffeine.
You are what you eat and thereby, being healthy should be your priority.
Here are 7 reasons to limit caffeine consumption that will explain you the disadvantages of having more of your energy kicking teas and coffees so that you can take the preventive measures now:
1. Deprives You of Sleep
You may have been sipping up coffee to stay awake and finish your important presentations at night. You may think of caffeine as a boon that helps you in staying alert at night. But if you are habitual of consuming caffeine then you are bound to have sleep disorders. Caffeine causes a disruption in the activity of a neurotransmitter called adenosine that affects our sleep. Moreover, it also leads to changes in the serotonin hormone secretion due to which you may frequently suffer from sleep deficiency. Did you know that an average person can survive up to only 11 days without sleep?
2. Can Damage Your Reproductive System
Caffeine is known as a stimulant that helps in keeping you alert so that you don’t feel dozy soon. But if you are pregnant, then coffee can have serious impact on your reproductive system. It can cause a rise in the heart beat and metabolism of the baby, which is not a good sign. It can even threaten the life of the baby. In many cases, over consumption of caffeine has resulted in miscarriages and it can have retrogressive effects on the foetal growth.
3. Impacts Your Heart Health
Now that you know coffee increases the rate of your heart beat, you must also know that it excites the nervous system too. Having rapid heart beat is harmful to your health as it indicates decreased life span. Moreover, high intake of caffeine can cause a shoot up in the blood pressure and can even cause hypertension. Overall, limit your intake of caffeine if you want to live a long and healthy life.
4. Increases Frequency of Urination
You must have observed that you are likely to urinate frequently when you have more of coffee in comparison to any day when you had less. Caffeine is actually diuretic, which causes the body to flush out fluids sooner. This is why you are susceptible to get dehydrated if you have more of coffee. You need to maintain hydration in your body or your body will start ageing early.
5. Causes Acidity
Whether on an empty or full stomach, over consumption of coffee can be harmful for your stomach’s well being. Medical studies have revealed that having too much of caffeine triggers the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach due to which you may face acidity issues. You will suffer from stomach bloating and may even feel like vomiting. It may also cause severe ulcers within your tummy.
6. Decreases Fertility In Women
Medical experts have actually found no vital connection between consuming caffeine and a female’s ability to reproduce. But they often suggest having limited cups of coffee as many researches have found that caffeine could impair fertility in women by diminishing the activity of muscles in the fallopian tubes that carry a woman’s eggs from the ovary to her womb.
7. Can Lead To Indigestion
Beware if you are consuming coffee on an empty stomach. Skipping meals and sipping coffee is one of the main reasons why your stomach may not able able to digest food later. Coffee taken on an empty stomach causes acidic formations that causes trouble in the digestion process. If you are frequently consuming coffee on an empty stomach then your stomach will become very sensitive and you will be often facing stomach aches.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.