6 Ways To Enjoy Your Sex Life While Staying Away From STIs
This post was last updated on March 26th, 2024
Sex is a normal and fundamental part of life. The moment some people hear the word ‘sex’, they automatically think it’s an exciting and pleasurable experience. But the truth is, not all people experience it the same way.
Some may find it fun, while others are constantly worried about their well-being such as being safe from pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Before you engage yourself with any sexual activities, it’s essential that you practice safety precautions first.
It’s believed that the only way you can fully enjoy and have pleasure with sex is if you know you’re safe while engaging with it with a partner or two. Remember that, like other physical activities, sex can also come with its own risks. So, what can you do to reduce your danger from coitus-related concerns?
Before hitting it off on the bed, here are six ways you can enjoy your sex life while staying away from STIs.
1. Know Your Status
If you’re sexually active in the past or present, it’s essential that you know your status first before engaging in any sexual activity with a partner. Keep in mind that some sexual diseases like asymptotic herpes that are contracted from previous sexual encounters don’t show any signs or symptoms until several days, months, or even years since you’ve unknowingly acquired them.
You may check out here for more details about asymptomatic herpes and how risky it’ll be for anyone who contracts it. If you’re positive for asymptomatic sexual diseases, or if your partner has, both of you may only risk each other and unknowingly spread it to others.
Thus, a sexually active person is recommended to be tested regularly as it’s the only way you can be sure if you and your partner have a clean and negative status. You may consult a trusted doctor or a local family planning clinic to have you tested.
2. Always Have Protection
This may sound like overused advice, but this will always stay relevant for many years to come. If you claim to be sexually active and tend to have different sexual partners, always remember to have protection with you. Never rely on any lodging place or your partner to bring any protection with them. Instead, be safe and always bring your own.
Male condoms are known as the most common barrier, but if you wish to use the female condom, you may also do so. However, never try to use both the male and female condoms simultaneously as one or both of them may break mid-intercourse.
Having protection such as condoms will be your barrier and reduce your risk of contracting STIs and as well as prevent unwanted pregnancy. Moreover, when purchasing condoms, always remember to check the expiration dates first, as expired products may cause irritation or may not be durable enough to use.
3. Clean Your Sex Toys
Sometimes, some couples use bedroom and pleasure toys to spice up their intimate moments. While these toys will not get you pregnant, they can still spread sexual infections when used by multiple partners.
To ensure your sex toys are safe to use, make sure to wash and sterilize them between uses. Some sex toys require different cleaning methods, so try to read the instructions that come with each product first.
4. Never Have Sex When You’re Intoxicated
It’s believed to be common for many people to engage in all types of sexual activities, especially when they’re drunk. When you’re intoxicated with alcohol or, perhaps, drugs, your sexual drive may increase, leading you to be more sexually active and try to find anyone willing to have sex with you at the moment.
Unfortunately, since you’re intoxicated, you lose your good judgment and forget about practicing safe sex, using protection, or even getting to know your partner’s sexual history. Therefore, you’re quickly putting yourself at risk for possible STIs. As much as possible, remind yourself to never get too drunk or intoxicated in public places, especially if you know how alcohol can affect and jack up your sexual drive.
5. Limit The Number Of Your Sexual Partners
The more people you’re sexually involved with, the higher your risk for contracting STIs. What’s more, for females, you may find it challenging to figure out who’s responsible for you in case you get pregnant.
Despite having many supplies of condoms with you, you must keep track of your sexual partners and limit them as much as possible. Every new sexual partner you meet has their own history of sexual encounters and possible STIs. So, it’s highly advised that you be smart with your sexual endeavors.
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6. Be Monogamous
While abstinence from sex is the best way to prevent STIs, another excellent way to avoid it is by being in a long-term monogamous relationship. If you and your partner remain faithful to and don’t engage with other sexual partners apart from each other, you may have sex without using any barriers.
However, this can only work if both of you are tested and fully aware of each other’s sexual history. Still, you may need to use protection and other birth control methods if both of you are trying to prevent unplanned pregnancies.
Safe Sex Is Fun Sex
Following safe sex practices will not only protect you from sexual health infections, but it’ll also ensure you enjoy satisfying and pleasurable sex. Nothing feels better than having sex knowing that you’re safe from any infections and possible pregnancies. So, take note of these tips and have a fun, safe, and healthy sex life.
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