Love relationships have their own laws. Yes, love refers to the sphere of feelings, something intangible, but nevertheless, there are some firm rules which loving people shouldn’t violate.
Let’s consider the most important factors that can destroy even a strong alliance.
1. Betrayal
Betrayal isn’t only cheating on a partner, as most believe. Betrayal can determine a variety of situations. For example, when one of the partners leaves his soul mate to the mercy of fate in difficult times instead of helping and supporting him, or secretly implements certain plans, knowing that his loved one would be totally against such activities. All this – not only stress for the relationship, but also poison, damaging the tender essence of love.
2. Physical assault
Negative emotions and stress brought by physical violence can destroy absolutely any union. There is no justification for such behavior. Contrary to common misconceptions, it’s impossible to provoke aggression, resulting in physical assault. It’s a manifestation of the already existing qualities of the partner’s personality. Relationships that allow assault can’t be called healthy and promising.
3. Restriction of communication with relatives
Relatives are the mainstay of support for any individual, regardless of gender. It’s unacceptable to intervene between a chosen one and his family, trying to loosen blood ties. Isolation from loved ones will cause suffering and eventually turn a partner limiting communication with relatives to enemy number 1. Even if your relationship with his relatives doesn’t add up, you shouldn’t show self-esteem and interfere in the partner’s interaction with these people.
4. Focus on the past
Everyone has his past, filled with both good and bad events. You don’t need to hide it or use to argue your points of view in disputes. This is an integral part of the life of any person. It’s instructive and possibly tragic. Everyone in a couple should understand: no matter what the past of the chosen one is, this way led him to the relations existing in the present time. Partners should always easily absolve old grievances, people and burdensome circumstances from the past.
5. Total control
The desire of one partner to control each step of another won’t strengthen the relationship. Vigilant control is appropriate only for a child – as a manifestation of parental care, the desire to protect the child from possible mistakes. But it doesn’t apply to a mature person! Suspicion along with a desire to know everything in detail about the activities of the chosen one, represent the fear for existing relations and distrust of the beloved. Sensing such concentration of attention, an adult person comes to denial; he certainly begins to resist, and this reaction is absolutely natural! Everyone should have some personal space, and first of all, close people should understand and respect this right.
6. Communication in a raised voice
When the conversation falls outside the scope of a calm conversation, it intoxicates and releases the reins of self-control. People often quarrel, allow themselves to offend those who are so cherished, and sometimes show physical aggression towards each other. Shout is a sign that there are no valid arguments left, just anger. It’s advisable not to cross this line and always solve problem situations peacefully and amicably, by conducting constructive dialogues.
Excluding the listed negative moments from the life, everyone can build his own love house not from paper cards, but from secure stone slabs!