Not everyone of us realize how much stuff we own. It is only when we are moving to a new house, we know about all the stuff we own and thoughts about packing it properly. While moving houses or moving locally is not technically a tough job, packing for it can be a tough one. In case you are wondering how to pack your stuff, here are some pointers to help you.
1. Purge & Pack
When was the last time you threw away the stuff you no longer required? Well, all of us keep things we don’t require in the hopes that someday I might. Now that you are moving to a new house, you can always throw out the stuff that you don’t require – or simply just don’t pack the unnecessary stuff.
2. Hire A Professional
Yes, you can save some bucks when you do it yourself, but with the help of a professional company like Matco, you can do it in a better way. Moreover, with the professional packer and mover, you don’t need to worry about anything. All you need to do is sit back and let them do the work.
3. Label Your Boxes
After you are done with the packing, and moved to the new house, unpacking can be a real problem. This is especially true if you need to find something in the packed boxes. You would have no clue as to where an item is. To avoid this confusion and arrange things in the proper order, label your boxes as you pack. In fact, you can also color code your boxes so that you don’t have any problem later on. Maybe use blue for utensils, green for dress, and yellow for jewelry and so on.
Don’t make your boxes heavy as carrying them can be quite difficult. However, try and put all types of item in one box, as it will help you in unpacking later on.
4. Wrapping It Correctly Is Important
Your breakables should be wrapped with clothes or equivalent items. You can always use straw to create padding, but that can be costly. The best way to wrap is to use old clothes or tablecloths and bed sheets for your breakables.
You can also use stuffed toys and pillows for larger items which require padding. Using socks for wrapping around glass helps a lot. As for artworks and sculptures, you can use blankets to cover them up before padding.
5. Electronics & Cables Go Together
In order to avoid confusion of which cable goes where, just fold the cables properly and tape them to the electronics. Alternatively you can also stick them to the base of the packing case, so that the taps does not leave behind any sticky marks. Once you have done that, all you need to do is pack them together and carry it outside.
6. Clear Your Pantry
Before you are moving out, consume all your food. This will not only make your pantry and refrigerator light, but also make it easier to move house. You will not have to worry about the cooked food or the veggies in your fridge.
Now that you have an idea of what you should do when you are moving house, you need to get started on the packing. Have fun!