6 Benefits Of Quitting Sugar Consumption

We all love to indulge in sugary delights frequently. Across the globe, there are so many diverse cultures but when it comes to sweets, everyone has a sweet tooth. As we are modernising, we are coming up with more and more of sweet delicacies coated with lots of sugar and despite our ages and backgrounds, we all relish them at numerous occasions. Children, especially are getting more addicted to sweet dishes and where they go, they are offered sweets or chocolates to make them happy.
In offices, people don’t think for a second before gulping down their fourth or fifth tea or coffee cup. They mostly snack on sweets and to uplift their moods, most people find it trendy to take a bite of a chocolate bar. Instead of eating fruits, people are getting dependent on sugar added fruit juices and many people are even becoming habitual of having sweets every time they have their meal.
Sugar definitely is not an evil because sugar gives glucose to our bodies that is essential for keeping us energetic at all times. Since most of us live a sedentary lifestyle where we are not required to perform hard core physical activities, then this excess sugar can create havoc in our well being. Sugar is also naturally found in fruits and milk, hinting that we can depend on naturally occurring sugars rather than indulging on the food stuffs with excessive sugar content.
So let’s have a deep look at the 6 benefits of quitting sugar consumption and depending upon naturally occurring sugars:
1. Your Weight Will Reduce
When you consume more sugar, then your body will produce more glucose that remains utilised due to the kind of lifestyle we live. The higher the physical activities we perform, the greater is the requirement of glucose. These additional sugar calories get stored in our bodies that increase our weight. Moreover, sugar delicacies are generally accompanied with high fat or high carbohydrate food stuffs, which further contributes in weight increase.
If you are stout hearted to quit sugar forever, except in form of fruits, then you will notice that your body will automatically lose excess weight and your cravings for snacks will also decline. Your body won’t have the need to store up the additional calories leading in weight reduction.
2. Your Energy Levels Will Rise
It is common that we all need to perk up ourselves at work by sipping up tea, coffee, juices or energy drinks that are loaded with sugars. We perceive that only these drinks can bring us out from the feeling of tiredness and fatigue. We feel that such drinks or beverages will provide us with a boost of energy. This notion is actually a myth. Our body has stored energy levels that are largely underutilised.
If we stop depending upon these so called energy boosters that are filled with sugar, then our body systems will regularise and our stored energy levels will be well utilised. In addition, our blood sugar levels will be maintained if we quit consuming sugar in such forms and hence we will save ourselves from many lifestyle diseases.
3. Your Digestion Will Improve
The more you eat processed foods, the more your digestion system is weaker. If you ask what your internal system actually needs, then it is fibre and easily digestible foods. The digestion system finds its difficult to digest complex food stuffs with high sugars, carbohydrates and fats.
If you eliminate consuming sugar, then you take your first step in making your digestive system healthy. Your intestines and colons will automatically function at its optimum capacity and you will find that your digestion rate is getting faster and you won’t be facing issues such as constipation.
4. Your Sugar Addiction Will Gradually Decline
If you consume sugar in the form of sweets or cookies, you will have much more cravings for such snacks. By consuming sugar, you are giving your taste buds, a reason to tempt for such high calorie food stuffs.
When you give up sugar completely, you will automatically stop snacking on biscuits, cookies, sweet toasts, etc and your temptation will gradually decline. You will not have the desire to have sugar and you will that fruits and other routine food items are already too sweet. In fact, rarely when you taste biscuits or cakes, you will be surprised to see how dominating is the sweet taste in these food items.
5. Your Skin Will Look Radiant
Your skin reflects how healthy you are from inside. Your skin will be much prone to sudden breakouts or acne, dullness, etc when you consume food items that contains lot of sugar. Excessive sugar in the body can be a cause of many skin problems and it has been medically proven too.
If you quit eating sugar, then you will become healthy from inside and your well being will be reflected by your radiant looking skin that will be lustrous and supple from within.
Also read: Top 10 Delicious Dark Chocolate Benefits
6. You Will Concentrate More On Your Health
While you are consuming items that contain sugar, then you are prone to gain weight and losing this fat from sugar from your body will become a tedious task. If you even start exercising, then slow results will demotivate you to push yourself harder as you still have not eliminated sugar from your diet.
Moreover, if you have quit consuming sugar, then you will see quick results without even exercising in the initial stages. However, if you start exercising and maintain your own workout regimen, then imagine how great the results will be on your health and fitness! This truly is the secret of your favourite celebrity out there!
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.