5 Ways to Cure Acidity Forever

This post was last updated on December 27th, 2024

Cure Acidity

Acidity is one of the most common medical condition that occurs in the human body. It occurs when there is an excess release of acid in our stomach and this excess acid flow into the esophagus which causes a burning sensation in our stomach and throat. There are multiple causes and cures for acidity. From grandma’s tricks to sophisticated medicines, there are a plethora of ways to treat acidity.

In this article, we are going to read about five basic but failproof ways to get rid of acidity permanently. But before we get to the remedies, we are going to discuss in detail the causes and effects of acidity on your body and in the end, you will also find few quick remedies to cure acidity immediately. So, without wasting any further time, let’s get right into the causes of acidity.

What exactly causes acidity in your body?

Acidity is not an uncommon medical condition and every one of us has suffered from a bout of it multiple times in our life. In this section, we are going to learn about what are the different causes of Acidity. you must be expecting that we are going to explain these causes using a lot of medical terms but we are going to keep this explanation simple. After all, not every one of us wears a stethoscope and a white coat.

Unhealthy Food Intake Habits

First and the most obvious causes of acidity are your eating habits. It is not like that acidity is caused only by eating junk or spicy foods but it is also caused by your meal timings. You skip a meal or two, you are certain to get about of acidity. not only this. Even having all your meals every day but not at the right time can cause acidity. Like many of us grab a plate of snack or a cup of coffee just before going to bed in order to enjoy the movie or a late-night show. One can follow these healthy eating habits to stay young and energetic always


Having your meals not at the right time or eating junk frequently is one thing but overeating is another different cause of acidity entirely. See, you might be thinking that your diet is healthy and therefore, you can have a heavy dose of it without any worries. But, you should hold yourself back there, look at how much you are eating even if it is full of healthy nutrients. Overeating causes more acid to be released into your stomach which then causes the burning sensation which we call as Acidity.

Modern Diet

Over the past Decade, the food that we eat has become extremely acidic. The spices and flavors that are put in our dishes contain acids in large amount. Not only this, the fruits and vegetable that we eat contain acids due to the fertilizers used at the time of their growth. No, we are not talking about the junk food, here we are specifically talking about the food that we prepare at our homes i.e. Dairy items like milk, butter or the meat at our homes like beef, pork and chicken and even the fruits and vegetables like potatoes, mangoes, apples, and tomatoes. Although the acidic content in the ingredients of food that we eat at home is not harmful, over longer periods of time, it has become a cause of acidity.

Side-Effects from Medication

Acidity can also be caused by any medicines that you are currently taking. The common medications whose side-effects include acidity are antibiotics, High blood pressure medicines, depression and anxiety medicines, bone treatment medications and a lot of anti-inflammatory medicines.

Any current medical problem

If you are suffering from any medical condition, then also acidity can be caused. Usually, people suffering from Asthma, Diabetes, Ulcers, Connective tissue disorder and Hernia suffer from acidity often. Acidity is one of the effects of these critical diseases.

Common Symptoms of Acidity

Below we have compiled the list of common symptoms that indicate you are suffering from acidity.

  •    Belching
  •    Burning Sensation in Stomach
  •    Bad Breath
  •    Burning Sensation in Heart and Throat
  •    Constipation
  •    Indigestion
  •    Nausea
  •    Sour taste in the mouth for longer periods
  •    Facing Difficulty in swallowing food
  •    Restlessness
  •    Regurgitation

How your habits can reflect if you are prone to Acidity or not?

In the last section, we talked about the symptoms of acidity. But those are the signs that indicate if you are suffering from acidity right now. But how can you check if acidity can occur in future or not? Well, the simple answer to it is taking a look at your lifestyle habits. Your habits define a lot about you, in fact, your lifestyle habits are a direct reflection of your health. Below, we have compiled a list of lifestyle habits that can cause acidity. You should take a look yourself and check ho are the people who are prone to suffer from acidity frequently.

  •    People who are indulged in a lot of alcohol intake
  •    People who smoke
  •    People who dont get enough sleep
  •    Obese people
  •    People who eat a lot of junk and spicy food
  •    Those who consume NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs)
  •    People who eat non-vegetarian food frequently
  •    Pregnant women
  •    Women who are nearing the time of menopause

Should you worry if you suffer from acidity frequently?

Obviously, the answer to this question is yes. You should be worrying if you experience acidity often on regular basis. But what we’re going to learn here in this section is that how can frequent acidity harm your body? So, let’s skip the build-up part and get to the moot point of this section.

  •    Lack of energy and often chronic fatigue
  •    Diabetes
  •    Weight gain and Obesity
  •    Interference in the natural aging process leading to premature aging
  •    Kidney Stones and Bladder Problems
  •    Deficiency in the Immune System  
  •    Chances of Cancer due to accelerated free radical damage
  •    Weak and brittle bones, muscle ache and Joint pain
How to Cure Acidity Forever

Five long-term cures to get rid of acidity

So, finally, we reached the section in which you most interested, Right? The remedies mentioned in this section are the ones that will help you get this rid of acidity forever. See, when you want to cure acidity forever, then first you have to understand what happens in your body during acidity. During acidity, the acid release in your body increases which flows back into the food pipe which causes burning sensation. Now, in order to get rid of it permanently, you have to ensure that acid release in your body is regulated. So, in this section, we are going to talk about the remedies that are going to keep your acid release under control.

1. Keep your meals small and frequent

The acid release in your stomach is proportional to the amount of food you eat in one go. So, if you overeat, then to digest those extra grams of food, more acid will be released which can acidity more often than not. Well, the simple solution is to keep your portions of meal small. This will keep the acid release in control and thus, will help you get rid of acidity.

2. Drink a lot of water and Exercise regularly

Drinking lots of water will help you flush out the excess digestive juices and neutralize the acid in your stomach while regular exercise will prevent deposition of excess fat in your body. If you get frequent bouts of acidity, then drinking a glass or a cup of lukewarm water before sleeping will help you flush out excess acid in your body and keep the acid release in control.

Not all the food we eat is converted to energy. Now the calories that are not burnt are stored as fat and this extra fat pushes the acid in your stomach up into the esophagus causing the burning sensation. Exercising even half an hour a day can help you get rid of the extra fat in your body and thereby, cure the problem of acidity too.

3. Get out in sun

Almost every one of us knows that sun rays are a great source for production of vitamin D and a large number of antimicrobial bodies in our body. What this means in simple terms is that this helps in boosting the process of digestion in our body and keeping the acidity away from us. So, whenever you get chance, spend some time and you can get rid of acidity.

4. Avoid tight-fitting outfits

You must be surprised to read that how come what you wear can cure acidity? Well, tight-fitting outfits create a hindrance in the passage of food in your digestive tract. So, wearing not so skinny clothes or wearing half a size bigger can help you get rid of the bouts of acidity that you get often.

5. Say not Smoking

The nicotine content of cigarettes damages the valves present in our stomach that prevents the flow of acid up into the food pipe. Now, weak valves cannot prevent acid flow into the food pipe and therefore, acidity bouts occur frequently. Therefore, quitting smoking is a great step in preventing acidity bouts from occurring.

Employers should strictly ban Smoking in Office Premises. Employers can also follow these additional tips to keep their employees healthy and fit.

Immediate remedies for Acidity bouts

In order to get rid of acidity bouts immediately, the excess acid present in our food pipe and stomach has to be neutralized. Now, an acid can be neutralized via a base or a salt only. So, let’s see what can be used to cure acidity bouts immediately.

  1.    Basil Leaves
  2.    Milk
  3.    Eno or any other fruit salt
  4.    Digene
  5.    Fennel
  6.    Buttermilk
  7.    Cinnamon
  8.    Jaggery
  9.    Cloves
  10.    Ginger

One Response

  1. rajkumar


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