Anal Bleaching is a cosmetic surgery that’s been growing in popularity recently and has become available in all kinds of spas, beauticians and can even be bought online. But there’s a lot that must be thought about before you start doing it. To help guide you here are five things you need to know about before going ahead with anal bleaching.
1. Hydroquinone
Hydroquinone is a compound that’s commonly used in a lot of skin depigmentation products, including anal bleaching products. Many countries have banned the use of this ingredient in skin depigmentation products as it can lead to the build-up of homogentisic acid in connective tissues (Ochronosis) and leads to the skin being permanently damaged. While it is banned in many countries it’s still legal in the US.
2. Skin Irritation
Skin irritation is likely to happen when you use any sort of skin lightening product but it’s even more likely to happen when you’re using a very sensitive area like the anus. That is why it is a must to visit this all you need to know about anal bleaching for you to know if you’re ready with anal bleaching. If you’re thinking about bleaching your anus and you’re worried about skin irritation or are experiencing it yourself, use a gentle cleanser and then use petroleum jelly (Vaseline) to protect the area.
3. Anal Strictures
Anal Strictures are a very serious risk of anal bleaching which is the scaring of the anal tissue which can lead to pretty nasty problems in which leads to severe, painful constipation. It’s strongly recommended that if you’re considering bleaching your anus you that you speak to a doctor, particularly a dermatologist or gynecologist.
4. Laser Bleaching Alternative.
When you think about anal bleaching it’s likely that you only think about creams or standard beauty products that you can buy yourself online. However, laser treatment is another option if you don’t fancy using creams or if you’re worried about an allergy. It can be pricey, and it does have the same side effects as other anal bleaching methods, but permanent damage is very rare and any burning or uncomfortable sensations that you might experience can be prevented by taking Ibuprofen and your practitioner will apply a numbing agent before treatment.
5. Stay away from DIY/store bought
DIY might seem appealing as it can be a lot cheaper than costly professional anal bleaching methods, but this isn’t something that you want to cut corners with. Not only are you far more likely to get the nasty side effects we’ve already mentioned but you’re not likely to get the affects you want. It can take months of applying several times a day before you see any sort of change and the effects can only last a total of six months. However, if you go professional, you’re likely to see the results almost immediately and dodge all the potential risks.
There’s a lot more things that you should think about before you start doing any bleaching but here are a few of the major things that you should be thinking about. Regardless of what you do it’s important that you speak to your doctor.