5 Things To Remember For A Committed Relationship
This post was last updated on July 4th, 2016
Commitment is the actual essence of a true relationship. It denotes the maturity of a relationship and people often enter into commitment without knowing its pre-requisites. In fact, commitment in a relationship means that both the persons have love, trust and honesty towards each other and are ready to make compromises and sacrifices for each other’s sake. They have decided to be loyal to one another for the rest of their lives despite circumstances being in favour or not.
Commitment is your decision to accept the intrusion of a person in your life as your partner and whom you treat equal as you and whom you want to share your happiness and sorrows with. Commitment in a relationship cannot thrive if it is one-sided. In fact, commitment from both the persons can help in making any relationship a successful one. Relationships are actually complicated and delicate to handle. You need to have full control of your relationship by being dedicated to it and trying your best to avoid conflicts or difference of opinions. Trying to find an amicable solution is the best way to ensure respect to your partner’s opinions without sounding dominating.
When you are in love with someone who loves you back unconditionally, then strive hard to stay committed and all you will receive is happiness and love for a lifetime. If you are madly in love with someone and you wish to have a stable relationship with that person, then do read these 5 things to remember for a committed relationship and enjoy the beauty of a strong and lasting relationship:
Have Clarity About Your Relationship
Before committing to your relationship, you must first ask yourself if you really want to spend your whole life with the person you are currently in love with. You must be clear that you are not a person who has an on and off relationship and who finds it difficult to remain stable. If your mind is dwindling and you feel like you are stuck or not deep in love, then wait before pouncing upon this decision.
Listen to what your heart says. Does your heart skip a beat when your partner expresses his/ her love for you? Do you find yourself managing your work fast so that you can meet your partner? Does your partner’s thoughts and moments spent together bring a smile on your face? If your answer is yes to all these questions, then you are definitely ready to commit. You must ensure that your partner reciprocates the same feeling for you so that you both find it easier to take your relationship to an altogether new level.
Spend Time Together
If you are into short term flings, then surely you won’t feel like clinging onto the person for longer duration. Your mind will ask you to switch to a new partner. But if you have made your mind clear and your heart says that this is the person you wish to spend your life with, then don’t forget to spare a good chunk of time for your partner. Since you are moving towards the serious level of your relationship, then showing your partner that you are committed towards him/ her is essential. For this, take every opportunity to spend time with your partner and make sure that you make most of this time by understanding each other.
Know your partner’s likes, dislikes, behavioural traits, attitude, mood swings, habits, etc. Make a note of everything your partner does and try to make him/ her feel comfortable with you. Don’t ever articulate yourself. Say truth about yourself so that you don’t make your partner love some fake person born out of your imagination. Not only you will get the right perspective about your partner, but showing them your true self will make you feel even more loved. You both will have more trust in each other when you don’t hide things and honesty in any relationship eliminates all kinds of suspiciousness.
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Respect Your Partner
Every human has their own self respect and your partner is too a human being and not any property or asset that lies disrespected. It is very important in a relationship to maintain each other’s dignity. When you introduce your partner in front of others, make sure that you give utter respect to them and do not make them feel low. If you get involved in a conflict, before raising your voice, let your partner express his/ her opinion and try to resolve the matter without hurling abuses. Though your partner may be younger than you or may not match your economic status, but if you really love him/ her, then respecting them at every point of time is a way of saying that you will love and take care of him/ her at all times and that you won’t ever leave their side.
Give Equal Status
Expressing your love by giving respect along with equal status ensures increased bonding between two individuals. A committed relationship is one where both the persons understand each other’s importance in their lives and involve each other in every decision they take. Considering yourself superior or disregarding the opinions of your partner makes you a dominating person and your partner may even consider opting out of your relationship if you don’t tweak your attitude. In fact, such kind of behaviour can result in unending debates and fights, which may make your relationship ugly.
Also equality in terms of freedom is also very important aspect of a committed relationship. You cannot ignore that your partner too has his/ her own freedom and needs some space. You cannot keep poking them now and then to know what they are doing or where they are. You need to have trust if you want to be trusted too. Also avoid checking their phones and e-mails in their absence. This may actually become an unresolvable issue if your partner discovers this poking attitude of yours.
Share Responsibilities
When you want to enter into a commitment, then it becomes your duty to ensure that your partner is not burdened with responsibilities. Whether you are opting for a live-in or marriage, it is your prime duty to share the responsibilities so that you avoid disputes or difference of opinions. Various tasks such as purchasing groceries, paying bills, renovating, cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, etc., needs to be shared. In fact, doing household work together allows you to spend more time with your partner and it is essential for a healthy relationship. In case, both of you are working full time, then along with sharing household tasks, you need to manage your finances and maintain proper budget so that none of you runs out of money.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.