Running is a great activity to improve your fitness. This cardiovascular exercise gives you multiple health benefits. But is there anything as too much running? Skipping your daily run may seem like a bad move. However, that is not always the case.
To get the most out of the benefits of running, it is good sometimes to take a day off. Rest days are as essential as your running days. Read on to know the five reasons why you should miss your daily run.
1. Allow Your Muscles to Bounce Back
Did you know that you end up with microscopic tears in the fibers of your muscles each time you run or exercise? Your body takes this as an opportunity to rebuild stronger muscles. It is to prepare better for similar upcoming sessions. However, your body needs some time off to perform this function.
It is essential to give your body a rest day to allow it to reboot. Otherwise, your body won’t have enough time to rebuild your muscles and strengthen them, which can negate all your hard work on the running days.
2. To Protect Tendons
Tendons are critical connective tissues. They are responsible for holding the muscle to the bones. The more you move your body, the higher will be their workload. However, they do not receive blood very easily; this means they take a longer time to repair in comparison to other tissues.
If you fail to do so, the continuous pounding from your running can lead to chronic damage such as Achilles tendinitis. It is the injury caused by the overuse of Achilles.
3. To Avoid a Stress Fracture
If you wish to avoid any injuries, it is crucial to take rest days. Running is a good exercise for your bones. It can help to strengthen the bone tissues. However, if you go on vigorous runs every single day, they will never get the time to repair themselves completely.
Excessive stress on your bone tissues can lead to stress fractures. You have to be conscious and keep varying the intensity of your running sessions. A rest day each week can help them heal faster.
4. Allow Your Brain to Relax
Running is a good stress buster. But each running session can increase the production of cortisol, a stress hormone. This is because your body cannot tell if you are sprinting for fun or escaping danger.
High levels of cortisol can have several adverse effects on your health. It can cause irritability, mood swings, and sleep problems. Make sure not to overstrain your body with continuous runs.
5. Indulge in New Activities
Sure, running is fun, but so are several other things. You may not have found the time to engage in them with your hectic schedule. You can utilize your rest day to try some new activities.
Go ahead and read the book that’s waiting on your bookshelf. Do gardening or play your guitar. Try any activity that can help you relax while keeping you engaged.
By taking a rest day in between your daily runs, you can allow your body to recharge. Your muscles and tissues will utilize this time to repair themselves. You can then come back stronger for your next run to reap all the benefits of running.