Every year thousands of individuals are injured and killed in fatal car crashes in Tennessee. From getting into the wrong lane to improper turns and from drunk driving to over speeding, there are quite a few causes for accidents in the state. While many car accidents are caused due to vehicle failure, others are caused due to human error. Being involved in an auto road collision can lead to severe physical damage, increased insurance payments, medical expenses, chronic pain, vehicle damage, and even loss of life. It is the reason why every driver should take precautions to avoid these accidents. If you are here to learn about the most common reasons for accidents in Tennessee, check out this article until the end.
1. Drunk Driving
Probably one of the primary reasons why accidents are on the rise in Tennessee is drunk driving. Drivers who choose to get behind the wheel after having a few drinks not only risk their lives but others on the road are not safe as well. In addition, Tennessee has been facing a problem of repeat DUI offenders in the state. Every year, the numbers are just rising. People who have been severely injured or traumatized by accidents caused due to intoxicated driving should seek legal assistance. If someone is looking for legal help, you can check out Dennis and King as they are one of the leading car accident attorneys in Tennessee.
2. Speeding
Speeding is another most common reason for car accidents in Tennessee. Driving beyond the specified speed limit may come with damaging consequences. This action accounted for more than 28,042 accidents in the state. The faster you drive the vehicle, the less your response time will be. As a result, the driver cannot react quickly enough to avoid an accident. Therefore, even if you are getting late, you should never exceed the speed limit to ensure the security of everyone on the road.
3. Driving at Night
No matter how professional you are, you always need to be cautious while driving at night. At night, the roads are dark and unsafe, especially for elder drivers and glasses wearers. According to one report, 40% of all road collisions occur during nighttime hours. While you cannot guarantee how others will drive at night, you should take your precautions and avoid driving at night in the first place.
4. Distracted Driving
Despite law enforcement and public awareness, accidents due to distracted driving continue to be a primary issue in Tennessee, causing severe and fatal car accidents. Whether you are texting, watching videos, using social media, doing makeup, or getting ready in the car while driving it, you are always at risk of getting into a serious accident.
5. Failure to Obey Traffic Controls
While many people may not consider this an essential factor, not obeying traffic controls can result in extremely damaging car collisions. For instance, if you are not stopping at the red signal, you are putting your life and others around you at risk. According to a report, failure to obey traffic controls results in over 23,497 car accidents.