5 General and Cosmetic Dental Procedures Which Can Improve Your Smile

This post was last updated on October 22nd, 2023

Cosmetic Dental Procedures Which Can Improve Smile

Although people might be born with a perfect smile, you might have crooked teeth which collect food particles in the hard-to-reach crevices. Unfortunately, you will develop cavities and oral odors due to the bacterial growth which feeds on the food particles in your mouth. Top dentist Dr. Mike Kang can diagnose oral issues and offer general and cosmetic solutions to brighten your smile. A perfect smile will improve your confidence making it easy to socialize and form meaningful connections at work and in your private life. These are the general and cosmetic solutions that can brighten your smile.

1. Veneers

Celebrities have made the veneers popular as they are additions on the surface of the teeth which brighten a smile. They are made of porcelain clay and can fix the gaps between the teeth and deal with extreme discoloration and crookedness. The dentist will scrape a few layers of the enamel to avoid bulkiness, as the veneers might add volume to the teeth. Although the veneers are placed on the front areas only, it seals the gaps in the teeth, brightening your smile and alleviating extreme discoloration. Our dentist should custom-design the veneers to suit your teeth, as they can improve your smile.

2. Teeth Whitening

A teeth whitening procedure removes the stains which don’t clear with regular teeth brushing. You may opt for the home whitening kit to deal with the mild stains of coffee, tea, and colored beverages. However, you might develop severe discoloration due to aging, and you would need professional whitening from a dentist’s office to deal with the stains. Additionally, a dentist will avoid damaging the gums when whitening teeth in their office, thus leaving few side effects.

3. Night Guards

Night guards are ideal for people with snoring issues and sleep apnea. These appliances keep the tongue in the right position at night, making it challenging to obstruct the airways. Custom-made night guards fit the teeth snuggly and will prevent the soft palate from collapsing when you sleep. Moreover, they prevent teeth grinding and jaw clenching, thus preserving the health of the jaws and the enamel.

4. Braces

Braces deal with crooked teeth and align the misaligned teeth on the jaw. You can opt for the traditional braces that move one tooth at a time or the colorless braces that simultaneously move the teeth on the arch. The colorless braces are ideal for teenagers and adults and reduce treatment time. Moreover, they foster better oral care during the treatment as they are easy to clean and disinfect.

5. Dental Implants

Dental implants fill the gaps left by the lost teeth. They are made of an artificial crown which looks like the other teeth on the arch, and a metallic root which seems like the tooth’s root. Although dental implants might be expensive at first, they are a cheap solution to lost teeth as they prevent crookedness.

Your dentist will recommend general and cosmetic dental procedures to improve oral health and the smile’s brightness. They might explain how a smile procedure can improve oral health and advice on the right treatment to deal with the specific issues. For instance, they recommend teeth whitening to deal with discoloration and brighten your smile. Braces might alleviate teeth’ crookedness, reduce bacterial growth and deal with oral odors. On the other hand, dental implants fill the space left by lost teeth preventing the teeth from moving on the arch.

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