Roller skating is a healthy way to get your daily workout in and have fun doing it, and it’s a great form of transportation. You can buy skates at most sporting goods stores, and they come in a variety of sizes, colors, and shapes. Exports of ice skates and roller skates from Germany amounted to approximately 22.7 million euros in 2018.
If you want to learn how to roller skate, you already know that it can be a fun way to get a nice workout in.
Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced skater, these five easy tips will help you improve your skating skills.
Start Slowly and Increase Your Speed Gradually
It is vital to get a feel for your skates before you start skating at high speeds. Build up to it gradually so you don’t fall and injure yourself.
Start by simply standing in your skates. Then, try pushing off with one foot and gliding for a short distance before stopping. Try alternate feet once you’re comfortable with that, and go further each time.
Buy A Beginner’s Skates
To learn how to roller skate, it’s essential to get a pair of skates specifically designed for beginners. These skates will have a lower center of gravity and be more stable, which will help you stay upright and avoid falls. You can find beginner’s skates at most sporting goods stores or online retailers.
When you’re just starting, it’s also essential to choose the right size skate. Skates that are too big can be difficult to control, while skates that are too small will be uncomfortable and restrictive. To find the right size, stand up on the skates and make sure there’s about a thumb’s width of space between your toe and the end of the skate.
Use Your Arms And Legs To Help You Balance
Finding the right balance on roller skates can be tricky, but using your arms and legs can help. If you feel like you’re about to fall, stick out an arm or leg in the direction you’re falling to help catch yourself.
You can also use your arms to help push off when you’re skating uphill or picking up speed.
Keep Your Head Up And Look Ahead, Not Down At The Ground
When you are first learning to roller skate, it is natural to want to look down at your feet and the ground to make sure you are not going to fall. However, this is counter-productive and will make it harder for you to stay balanced.
Instead, keep your head up and look ahead. It will help you stay more balanced, and skating will become easier.
Wear Protective Gears
Some of the best gears to protect you while skating are a helmet, elbow, and knee pads. Wrist guards are also a great idea, especially for beginners. You can find these items at your local sporting goods store or online. Make sure they fit correctly and that you are comfortable.
Whether you’re just getting started or are looking to improve your skills, these tips will be beneficial. Practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to get out there and fall a few times. Soon enough, you’ll be skating like a pro.