5 Bad Driving Habits We Should All Avoid
Driving and getting behind the wheel is all about convenience, having the freedom to get from point A to point B with ease, personal choice and comfort. While our roads are generally safe, every once in a while bad things happen and people get hurt or worse. Everytime we go out on the road we are exposed to great risk, and that becomes a lot worse when we are the ones who are reckless and irresponsible behind the wheel. Not only do we increase our chances of getting hurt, we also increase the chances that someone will get seriously injured by our actions and bad driving. Just because you have a driver’s license and the right to drive, that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t handle that right with great responsibility. So what are some of the practices behind the wheel that expose you and other people to danger, and how can you prevent them? In this article, we’ll discuss how to be a less reckless driver.
Also being a safer driver can be beneficial when it comes to insurance. Drivers who are more careful behind the wheel actually have lower insurance premiums and qualify for more money-back bonuses, so keep that in mind.
1. Driving While On the Phone
We all have cellphones, but that doesn’t mean we should use them all of the time, and that particularly applies to while we’re driving. Very often what causes people to have car crashes is being distracted, and nothing is as distracting as texting, scrolling and talking on the phone while driving. This is unacceptable and extremely reckless. If you need to talk on the phone ,rather use a loudspeaker or your car’s Bluetooth connection, but when it comes to texting wait till you’re stationary. Many car accidents could be avoided if people just chose to put their phones away. Be one of the people who make the roads a safer place by keeping your phone out of your hands.
2. Rubbernecking
Rubbernecking is the practice of looking back at something you’ve seen on the road, to the extent that it becomes disruptive. While we will inevitably will come across curious scenes while driving, we should also consider that it will affect the movement and safety of the people driving around us.
3. Not Being Aware of Your Surroundings
There are many road incidents and accidents that are caused by people not being observant enough or being distracted. Turning at the very last minute means that you weren’t paying attention, and missing a turn means you weren’t reading the signs. This in turn leads to making sudden movements that will cause accidents. It’s important to observe the drivers on the road with you, the signs in the area and where you’re going. If you’re not 100% sure of your destination, keep a map handy.
4. Panic
Inevitably on the road, something might happen that will make you feel less in control of the car and yourself. For example, your car skidding slightly on a road that’s been rained on, or a driver overtaking you suddenly. All these things can be a bit startling, but if we panic we could make it worse. If another driver suddenly changes lanes and then you turn your steering wheel to avoid them, you might end up hitting someone else or swerving into oncoming traffic. Learning to be calm at all times while driving will keep you safe and protect you and other people.
5. Road Rage
Let’s face it, the one thing that makes driving difficult is having to deal with other drivers, especially the ones that are reckless. But being angry on the road is a recipe for disaster. According to an accident injury lawyer at The Barnes Firm, many of the accidents are caused by road rage, and if drivers learned to keep their road rage to a minimum, many injuries and even deaths could be avoided. Not only can it make you a road bully, road rage can actually lead to violent outbursts on the road. If anger is something you struggle with, then you should consider taking an anger management class. If it’s something that doesn’t happen a lot, it’s still worth considering these calm-inducing strategies as you drive.
Driving may feel like second nature to us, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t approach it with great caution. Taking our safety for granted and disobeying the rules can lead us into regrettable and avoidable occurrences. Driving with safety at the top of our minds doesn’t just protect us, it also protects other drivers and even pedestrians. Curbing bad habits on the road is one of the most important things we can do as citizens and human beings, and we should never forget that driving is both a privilege and a responsibility.
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