5 Astonishing Reasons To Avoid Taking Smartphone To Bed
This post was last updated on January 19th, 2024

In this age of smartphone revolution, every person irrespective of their living standards own a smartphone. These smartphones are an immense source of knowledge and provides you with internet on the go. You can download various apps and can instantly have a video chat, book your plane tickets, operate mobile banking, locate addresses, access social media accounts and can even prepare presentations on the move.
These ‘looks too good’ features and availability of numerous apps has made people addictive and dependant on smartphones. It has been found that more than 50 percent of smartphone users aged within the 30 age bracket prefer to keep their phones with them while sleeping. This practise can be very harmful in the long run. You will be deprived of sleep and will deteriorate your health at a faster pa
So before you think of keeping your too dear smartphone beside you while sleeping, have an attentive look to these 5 astonishing reasons to avoid taking smartphone to bed:
1. Keeps Your Mind Alert At Night
First of all, it is to be noted that for a good night’s sleep, you need an atmosphere, which is calm and quiet and that allows you to concentrate on getting ample rest. But our obsession for smartphone keeps our mind alert if we sleep along with it. It is said that bringing the phone to bed, brings the world and all the tension, whether personal or professional along into the bed. Messages, chats and notifications from various apps, especially from social networking sites keeps beeping till late night. You are constantly alert to read the replies or just surf online shopping sites or profiles of your friends in various social sites
Moreover, people addicted to smartphones are more prone to acquire a newly found phantom cell phone syndrome, in which they continuously feel their phone beeping or vibrating when it actually doesn’t. You get habitual of checking your phone often and if this happens with you and you sleep less than 7 hours, then its time to put the phone away.
2. Blue Light Effect
In recent years, scientists have researched and revealed that more and more people are facing the problem of sleep deprivation as they allow technologically advanced devices in their sleep space. It has been found out that the blue light emitted from devices such as smartphones, cell phones and tablets activates neurons in our brain, which postpones our sleep routine. This is because the smartphones are designed to be so much entertaining that our brain gets engaged in using the device as if the time has stopped.
Continuously using smartphones during the night causes the melatonin hormone (a hormone which tells us when to sleep) to release late. This not only affects our sleeping schedule but also the quality of sleep, which makes you feel lethargic or lazy after a period of time.
3. Your Mind Is Tempted To Play Games
Smartphones have emerged as a great entertainment device, which will never make you feel lonely. Many a times, whenever we are alone, we tend play games on our smartphones for endless hours. We never get bored of playing these games as recently, 3D games, shooting games, etc have flooded in the online stores. Not only adults are addicted to playing games, even kids have engaged their minds in smartphone games. This addiction motivates you to score more and more and compete with others by scoring the highest. Most people play games at night as they feel that after one or two games they will feel like falling asleep. But in contrary, as you start focusing your mind on the smartphone, your brain is on high alert and your sleep automatically gets postponed. This in turn affects your productivity in a negative manner and you may also feel sleepy during the day.
Rather, at night give yourself a dosage of motivational knowledge. Try to grab a book instead and keep your phones away. Read books that feed your mind with positive information and you will surely feel contented while sleeping. You will then, surely enjoy a rejuvenated morning.
4. You Are In Grip Of Phone’s Radiation
As per many cancer institutes, there has been no pertinent evidence that smartphones can be a major cause of cancer. But they have concluded that the smartphones do release a kind of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation that can intrude in the body tissues of a person in contact with the phone. This can result in occurrence of brain tumour on the side of head, where the phone is used and can also cause in low glucose consumption by brain. Many studies have also revealed the negative impact of the radiations to the effective functioning of heart but nothing has been proved yet.
So it is always advised to avoid keeping phones on shirt pocket, holding smartphone handset for a long period time, talking over the phone for hours and hours and try your best to maintain at least 5 feet distance from the phone while sleeping.
5. You Pay Less Attention To Your Partner
In modern times, people have forgotten how important it is to give time to family, especially spouse. Since most people are addicted to smartphones at night, people are now less likely to have conversations with their spouse. It is mainly during the night that after completing your day’s chores, you get time to spend it with your spouse. Due to smartphone usage at night, many important life changing discussions are procrastinated. People become less attentive to such talks due to over attention given to smartphones. You are connected with the whole world at the cost of disconnecting with your spouse and thus compromising on your love life too.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.