45 Amazing DREAM Facts You Should Know
This post was last updated on October 24th, 2023

Dreams are series of images, emotions, ideas and sensations that appear usually involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.
Dreams are often misunderstood by many of us as they create fear, excitement, anxiousness, astonishment and depression. Dreams usually occur of different types and themes. Every kind of dream symbolizes something deep and significant. And there are many interesting, amazing and random facts that we people rarely know about dreams. Here are they..
- The word dream was derived from West Germanic word draugmus which means deception, illusion, phantom and the Sanskrit word druh which means injury or harm.
- The Egyptians were the first to invent a dream dictionary in 4000 B.C.E. almost thousands of year ago.
- Every single person dreams and the people who can’t remember their dreams eventually get their dreams when they wake up.
- No one can snore and dream at the same time.
- Adults dream continuously or non-continuously for total of half an hour to three hours a night.
- An average person gets 1,460 dreams per year, which means 4 per night.
- 80% of newborn and neonatal sleeping time is REM sleep which implies huge amount of time dreaming.
- Research says sharp fall in daily calories intake causes less nocturnal ejaculation that is nightfall in men hence less sexual theme dreams.
- Many of us dream every 90 minutes and the longest dream period is 30-45 minutes which occurs in the morning.
- During REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, the blood flow increase to the brain and men get erections and women get erect clitoris.
- Dreams like losing teeth or teeth getting extracted from your mouth symbolizes the fear of helplessness and some kind of lose in one’s life and this kind of dream occurs mostly in women.
- Dreams about dirty water symbolizes that the dreamer is not healthy.
- Dreams related to aliens indicates that the dreamer is experiencing some difficulty adjusting to new environment and conditions or his/her space is getting invaded.
- Cakes in dreams means time of rejoice and celebration about new success, work life, new relationships.
- Finding yourself in cemetery in dreams means you are sad and experiencing some unresolved grief and agony or may be it’s indicating a dead past.
- Chocolate in dreams indicated that the dreamer needs to be rewarded or specially treated.
- Standing on a cliff dreams symbolizes that the he/she is at the edge of her life and is scared of failures.
- Large water bodies in dreams or dreaming of drowning in water means being overwhelmed by unconscious and entering to a new phase of development.
- Feets in dreams symbolizes everything from sex to humiliation, mobility, freedom.
- A dream of a house represents the inner potential or capability.
- Being naked dreams represents the exposure of self to others like vulnerability and and feeling ashamed.
- Feeling like falling in dreams occur at the initial stage of sleep which is due to muscle spasms called myoclonic jerks.
- Vitamin B complex helps to get more vivid dreams.
- Pregnant women remember their dreams more than normal people as they endure tremendous hormonal changes.
- Studies say that children and kids get more dreams about animals, creatures, monsters than adults.
- Childhood dreams are shorter than adult dreams and 40% of them are nightmares.
- Men mostly dream about outdoor activities and full of misfortune, negativity, anger, feara and women mostly dream indoor activities full of positivity and friendly.
- Chronic smokers who quit smoking suddenly get more clear and vivid dreams than they had when they smoked.
- 90% of dreams get lost the first minute you wake up.
- Some people experience sleep paralysis in which they hear voices and see strangers in their room.
- You can translate over 5000 dream symbols.
- The word nightmare was used a long time ago for a female demon spirit who besets people at night while sleeping.
- The colder your house is the worse your dreams are.
- The basic and actual rules of logic are never applied in dreams like you might get transferred from one location to another in just few seconds or you could fix your broken nails with the help of glue etc.
- Chasing dreams represents that there is something that needs your attention.
- Dreams which involve school tests, examinations represents that we need to learn something from our past.
- Dreaming about babies might be an indication of getting a new idea or starting a new project or venture.
- Dreaming about foods represents that you are in search of knowledge, intellect, ideas and informations.
- Sexual intercourse dreams indicate the sexual expression and connection with self and others.
- Money dreams symbolizes that you are expecting some changes in your life.
- Dreaming about clothes means you need a new changed lifestyle.
- Missing a flight or a trip means you are struggling to make a decision.
- Being trapped dreams indicates your inability of escaping or making right choice.
- Killing or murdering dreams represents that you want to kill a part of your own personality or hostility towards a particular person.
- Hands in dreams represent different reasons like tied up hands means feeling of futility and washing hands means feeling guilty.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.