Image via Flickr by MarkMoz1980
Home automation can add convenience to your everyday life. You may be worried about how much it will cost to upgrade your home’s systems and appliances to take advantage of the latest technology. When you prepare your budget, don’t forget to account for how a smart home can save you money too. Consider the following ways home automation can decrease your heating expenses.
1. Automated Climate Control
Manually changing your thermostat settings can lead to wasted energy. A smart thermostat lets you create a schedule for heating your home. You can raise or lower the temperature when you’re not at home and at night when you’re sleeping under the covers. You can program home automation systems to slowly raise or lower the thermostat over time which can save on heating costs.
You can easily make changes to your smart thermostat setting using a smartphone app. You can set up vacation mode too so you can keep the house a constant temperature while you’re away. If you forget to trigger vacation mode before you leave for your trip, you can use the app to program the thermostat from anywhere your phone has Wi-Fi.
2. HVAC Zones
Home automation also allows you to set up heating zones. If you spend most of the day on the main level of the home, you can keep the thermostat lower upstairs and in the basement. You’ll save money by not heating the rooms that your family rarely uses. Zones also allow the heating system to send extra heat to cold areas of the house without overheating other rooms in your home. You may also have rooms that you can always keep at a lower temperature such as storage areas and unoccupied guest rooms.
3. Motorized Shades
Window shades can help insulate your home from cold drafts. Adding energy-efficient window shades to your home automation system will ensure that the shades are closed during chilly evenings. You can set the schedule for when to close your shades every day so you’ll never have to worry about remembering to close them before you go out for the evening. Automation can automatically open the shades in the morning to let the warm sunshine in too. Are you searching for the cost-effective heating repair in Baltimore? You can get vulnerable options online. During freezing weather, you can leave the blinds closed all day to help your home retain heat and save money.
4. Remote-Controlled Ceiling Fans
Home automation and smartphone apps can control your ceiling fans also. Ceiling fans circulate the heat in your home, so your heating system doesn’t have to work so hard to keep the house warm. Since heat rises, attic fans can help push warm air down throughout the home too. Smart home hubs allow you to upgrade older ceiling fans to include automated controls through assistants like Alexa and Google Home.
The money you save in heating costs can help offset the cost of installing a home automation system and upgrading to smart appliances. Consult an HVAC service contractor to learn how to upgrade your current heating system so you can enjoy the benefits of the latest smart home technology.
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