4 Tips to Falling Asleep Quickly
We’ve all been there—staring at the ceiling, counting down the hours until our alarm goes off, desperately wishing we were asleep. Not only is insomnia frustrating, but it can have negative effects on almost every aspect of your life.
But insomnia isn’t something you need to lose sleep over (pun very much so intended).
In fact, there are several tips and tricks you can use to help you fall asleep faster. Keep reading for four tricks to falling asleep quickly.
#1 – Don’t Go to Bed Until You’re Tired
If you read that and are heading towards the “Close Tab” button, just hear us out first.
You’ve probably heard that establishing a nightly routine is the key to a good night’s sleep. While that might be true, if you’ve ever struggled to fall asleep, you know how stressful it is to lie in bed when you’re wide awake.
More than likely, if you get in bed too early, you’re going to be hyper-aware that you aren’t falling asleep—and that creates stress. Stress is Enemy Number One when it comes to shut-eye, so sometimes it’s better to wait until you’re truly tired to get under the covers. This brings us to our next point…
#2 – Wear Yourself Out
You’re probably wondering, how can I make sure I’m tired when bedtime rolls around? While there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to help you wind down, there are a few tried and true techniques you can try.
Just think about the kids in your life. If you want them to go down easy for a nap, you need to wear them out first. You’re no different than a kid! While an afternoon on the playground might not be the answer, take a look at these strategies:
- Get your daily workout in
- Wake up earlier (give it time, it gets easier)
- Tackle your chores instead of watching TV in the evening
- Take a casual stroll after dinner
Just be sure to give yourself enough time between high-energy activities and actually going to bed. Working out at 10:00 p.m. isn’t going to solve anything.
#3 – There’s a Gadget for Everything
These days, technology can help with almost any problem—including insomnia. If counting sheep isn’t working for you (does it really work for anyone?), you might want to go a little more high-tech. Take a look at these gadgets that will make sleeping easier:
- White noise machines
- Sleep trackers (a FitBit will do the trick)
- Pillow speakers (be sure to play something soothing)
- Mattress pads that change temperature to keep you warm (or cool) as you sleep
#4 – Put Late-Night Screen Time to Rest
You’ve probably heard this piece of advice before, but it’s worth repeating. No matter how much you enjoy catching up on social media or watching funny videos of cats gazing at their own reflection, you aren’t doing yourself any favors when it comes to falling asleep.
Give yourself a “technology bedtime” and power off your devices 30 minutes before you’re ready to call it a night. You can use the time to read, journal, meditate, or do a face mask.
You’re Going to Sleep Like a Baby
If you follow the tips above, you’ll be amazed at how much less time you spend staring at the ceiling in frustration. Not only will you sleep better, but your day-to-day life will be a lot more enjoyable if you’re well-rested.
It takes a little discipline to start incorporating these ideas into your bedtime routine, but it will be worth it when you start seeing results. You may even want to treat yourself to a fun new pair of pajamas—they’ll probably become your favorite outfit!
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