According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), workplace discrimination has declined dramatically in the past few years. These stats suggest that the workplace environment is getting better throughout the country. Unfortunately, the decline of workplace discrimination doesn’t mean it is gone forever. Many people are still facing discrimination at work even in these progressive times, and battling it is never easy. Suppose you feel like your company or employer is behaving differently towards you. In that case, you need to pick up on the signs and realize whether you are being subjected to discrimination or not. In this article, I have mentioned a few red flags that mean your employer is clearly discriminating against you. Let’s take a look:
Inappropriate Interview Questions
Believe it or not, but the process of discrimination can start as early as the interview process. If the interviewer asks you strange and inappropriate questions that are not even slightly related to your job, it could be a sign of discrimination. They could ask you questions related to religion, gender identity, or race that will have no bearing over your job performance. You must keep in mind that if you have been denied employment on an unjust basis, you can challenge the decision. You can hire an experienced lawyer like Joseph & Norinsberg LLC and can protect your rights.
Unfair Disciplinary Action
If your employer is taking disciplinary action against you that is clearly unjust, then it is a clear sign of discrimination. If a superior is telling you that you are not following certain rules properly, even if you are, then it is harsh and unfair treatment. Unnecessary criticism not only humiliates you, but it also affects your job performance negatively. Even if the superior is acting unconsciously, that doesn’t mean they are not trying to get you terminated.
Pay Discrimination
If the other people working with you on the team are getting a better paycheck than you despite the fact you all contribute the same amount, then it is also a clear sign of discrimination. A lot of companies discourage their employees from discussing paychecks with each other, but you should not let that stop you. It is your right to discuss your salary with other employees in your workplace, and if you find out that you are being paid less than your colleagues, then you have the right to challenge that.
Unjust Promotions
If you are working in a company for a while and they have denied you promotion on multiple occasions, then you need to analyze that situation properly. If you feel like your performance has been top-notch and are still being denied a promotion, then that might be happening because of personal dislike against you. You can confirm this theory of yours by identifying employees in the company that joined after you and yet have already received several promotions. Any company that is not promoting a long term loyal employee is being unjust and should be called out for it.