4 Preventive Measures To Avoid Heating Fires

This post was last updated on January 23rd, 2025


How To Avoid Heating Fires

During the winter season, the temperatures drop significantly and people use a variety of heating systems to keep the house warm and comfortable. Water heaters, space heaters, fireplaces, etc. keep the house cozy and warm even when it is snowing outside. These heating appliances are an important part of a comfortable life but they can also increase the possibility of a heating fire.

Any type of heating object like the heating unit, the stove can cause a heating fire but the chances increase in winter as there are more heating appliances used during these months. Make sure you get a fire alarm certificate to make sure that the system is working perfectly so that you can keep the house and its occupants safe from heating fires.

Apart from fire alarms, here are a few preventive measures that can help in the prevention of heating fires.

Clean and Maintain Chimney

The chimney should be cleaned annually. Whether you are using the chimney half a dozen times or more than that you should clean it so that you can get rid of creosote or soot. You do not have to clean it yourself as you can hire a chimney sweep. You should also check the chimney for structural damage because if there are cracks in the chimney then it can cause air leaks. The air leaks can change the flame of the fireplace and can result in igniting a fire.

Inspecting the Furnace

Maintaining the furnace is important because the furnace can get pretty dirty over the time. If the furnace is not maintained then it will fail to function efficiently and it will also become a fire hazard. During the winter season, you need to change the filters of furnace monthly. Inspect the furnace before the chilly season starts and make sure that all the ducts are clean. There should not be any flammable materials near the furnace because it will increase the chances of a heating fire.

Use a Diffusion Screen

It is essential that there is a diffusion screen in front of the fireplace. The function of a diffusion screen is to prevent the burning fire logs to roll out of the fireplace on to the floor. It also stops the sparks get out of the fireplace and ignite a fire. If there is no diffusion screen and you have a carpeted or wooden floor then even a small spark can be catastrophic.

Safe Use of Space Heaters

The space heaters offer warmth and comfort but they are also a common culprit behind the heating fires. When you go shopping for a space heater you should make sure that you invest in one that has an emergency cut-off feature. These heaters shut off automatically if it is accidentally knocked over. The feature is extremely useful in avoiding igniting a fire. You should never leave a space heater on when you are not in the room and it should be placed on a non-flammable and flat surface. Keep them away from flammable items like curtains, bedding, carpet, etc.


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