Staging your home will not only help you sell it quicker, but it could end up making you more money in the long run. However, it’s not something to rush into without thinking it completely through. You want to go about it in the most efficient and effective manner possible.
1. First things first, take advantage of bountiful resources specifically for home staging.
The internet has changed the way that we do a lot of things, including the preparation for putting your home on the market. You can use this to your advantage so long as you keep your eyes open, break the habit of a one-track mind, and adapt to the changing times.
You might even go as far as making a shopping list to stage your home just the way you want it. The work that you put in will determine the kind of return you see from it. Nothing beats seeing a magazine-like finish in the home that you’re about to sell so that you can move on with the next phase of your life.
Pro Home Staging Tip: One of the best resources online for home staging is found nowhere else but The Spruce. There is so much information there, you’ll not only learn how to save money when you stage your house, but you might even walk away with some fresh ideas.
2. Get rid of what you don’t need and start minimizing the amount of space needed.
This is often referred to as pre-packing. The concept is to eliminate what you don’t need (by selling the items or just passing them among family) and ensure the easiest staging experience possible. You don’t want to have to maneuver around a bunch of clutter or waste your time sorting it out.
Just go through everything, including but not limited to dishes, clothes, and furniture. If you need some extra cash, use Craigslist to your advantage. Just be logical about things and don’t hold onto anything that you really don’t have to hold onto.
When it comes time to move your things out, you will have a lot less work due to taking a little bit of time to get ready for the big day beforehand. See how much easier that is than just moving and pushing everything off to be done until the last minute?
3. Finally, put some wheels on it! When you do, life gets a whole lot easier.
One of the things that’s often forgotten is that you don’t have to make things complex or make things require a whole bunch of heavy lifting. Just make sure they’re durable like the casters from Colson so that you don’t end up doing more harm than good.
Sure, some furniture and appliances might already have casters from Colson on them, but if they don’t it won’t be hard to get your hands on them and install them yourself. Just be careful and protect the precious items as well as your home to ensure that there’s no room for error
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