In the world of today, people are faced with a growing challenge to the environment. There is a clear and present danger of the risks posed to humanity from the large-scale burning of fossil fuels in industry and the energy sector. If left unchecked, this will result in the rising of global temperatures, which causes climate change, an increased risk of famines and droughts, along with more extreme weather patterns. It is imperative now that the global population takes positive action to minimize these risks to the planet and live in a more sustainable fashion. Here are just three of the ways that it can be achieved to ensure that earth is hospitable for our future generations.
1. Actively use your recycling services
In recent decades there has been a significant rise in the roll-out of modern and effective recycling services. The recycling industry has incorporated the latest in modern technology to enable it to cope with high volumes of household and commercial waste. It processes this effectively by using recycling balers which can compact a large amount of recyclable material for efficient storage and transportation. This technology enables recycling companies to make a significant reduction in the amount of waste that is sent to landfills and therefore plays an active part in reducing environmental pollution and energy demands. It is vital that consumers make effective use of our local recycling facilities and ensure that waste products are sorted correctly to enable the smooth functioning of these facilities.
2. Use your spending power wisely
Consumers can effectively “vote with their wallets”, and their spending habits play a key role in determining what is popular in terms of the products they consume. For example, if people buy a lot of exotic fruits such as starfruits that are produced in Asia and China, they need to be transported for thousands of miles to reach western stores. This gives them a high carbon footprint. It makes more sense to look to purchase foods that are sourced locally because the transportation distances will be much lower, and, therefore, less CO2 will be used in delivering them to our local supermarkets. Another way people can be more intelligent with purchasing habits is to buy electronics such as computers and laptops that are futureproof for several years to come. It takes huge amounts of energy to produce a computer and by ensuring that you get one that will function effectively on a long-term basis, you can reduce the need to replace them as often.
3. Reduce your meat consumption
The raising of animals, especially cattle, for human meat consumption takes up immense amounts of land and is a significant contributor to the release of greenhouse gasses. While not everyone is prepared to switch to a vegetarian or vegan diet, reducing your intake of meat to one or two times a day will significantly reduce the carbon footprint of you and your family. In addition, a diet with fresh vegetables, fruit, and occasional meat is known to be a healthier diet than having an over-reliance on meat products, specifically red meat.