3 Things to Do Before Trying to Fix a Plumbing Issue in Your House

This post was last updated on December 9th, 2024

Plumbing Issue

Any home with indoor plumbing is going to run into some plumbing issues every now and then. And while not all of these problems will require you to call in a professional in plumbing for assistance, if you’re going to tackle these issues on your own, you’ll want to know what you’re doing before you get started. Otherwise, you could wind up making your small problem a much bigger problem.

To help you in getting ready for these types of projects, here are three things you should do before trying to fix a plumbing issue in your house. 

1. Learn Where To Shut Your Water Off

For the most basic of plumbing problems, like unclogging a toilet, you likely won’t need to worry about shutting your water off. But if you’re going to be messing around with the pipes at all, it’s probably a good idea to shut the water off to your home before you get started with your project. Otherwise, you’re taking a chance of potentially having major water issues if you were to do something wrong. 

If you don’t already know where your water shut off valves are, make sure you find these before you start any plumbing project. If you feel like it’s necessary for the project you’re working on, you don’t have to turn the water off before you get started. But if you’re at all worried about potentially having an issue of more water than you want to be dealing with, turning off the water at the shut off valves could be a good move. 

2. Know The Right Cleaners To Pour Down The Drain

For many plumbing problems that people try to take on themselves, simply clearing out the pipes can often be the solution. However, you’ll want to be careful about what cleaners you pour down your drains to get things cleared.

While you might think that using harsh chemicals might be the best option, these things can often be very corrosive to your pipes, which can cause bigger issues in the future. Knowing this, it’s better to take a preventative approach by flushing with baking soda and vinegar on a regular basis to keep your pipes clean and running smoothly. 

3. Break Out Your Shop Vacuum

A common issue people have with their plumbing is having something go down the drain or pipes that wasn’t supposed to be there. 

To get these small items out, you should start by using a shop vacuum to suck the item out. This can often be much more effective than sticking something down the pipes. So if you have access to a shop vac, keep it close by when working on your plumbing at home. 

If you’re going to attempt to fix some kind of plumbing issue you’re having at home, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you get ready to tackle these problems. 


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