14 Specific Thoughts That Every Millionaire Believes About Money
This post was last updated on January 17th, 2024
Money rules mind and life these days. Money is the most crucial and toughest thing to manage and manipulate. Money in other words is a necessary evil. The wealth distribution statistics shows more financial dilemma in all societies which results in less wealthy and affluent people. And mostly the wealthy and rich people are quite different on the basis of their actions, thoughts, behaviour and speech.
Here are some specific thoughts that every millionaire cultures and believes about finance and money.
1. Money is the root cause of all betterment
Well, we all believe that money is the root cause of all evil, but millionaires believe that money is a blessing and is the root of all good, as it changes your life, lifestyle, brings you comfort and luxury and solves all problems.
2. Money is ample
Usually people think that money always runs out and is scarce. But millionaires believe that money is unlimited and they always carry a wide frame of money in mind where they know how to manipulate money.
3. Money should be earned more than saving
Almost all people spend their half of the life in earning money to save after retirement and hence they believe more in savings. But millionaires believe more in earning as it is more important to earn more and more so that you will get enough wealth to save and to survive.
4. Money comes from adding values
Solving problems is the way of attracting money. Millionaires believe that solving problems add values and profits which pays with loads of cash.
5. Money spending within budget
Everyone knows that unnecessary expenses are never good idea. Spending money is good but spending money that you don’t have is kind of a foolish act. Millionaires strictly follow their expenditure with their budget to maintain the proper balance.
6. Money and brain for a good earning
People usually culture their time and influence to earn cash but earning money without being physically present is a millionaire’s secret who trades and cultures brain instead of mind for money.
7. Money needs action not luck
Our society who believes and depends more on luck to earn wealth and affluence usually forget about the hard work and the real ideas of earning money. But millionaires believe in action rather than luck. They act first that is hard work and they meet their luck, the destiny which pays them with lots of money.
8. Money knows calculated risks
Many of us play safe with our money which is a horrible way of enhancing affluence and many become stupid and reckless with money which is disastrous. But somewhere in the middle there is a sure spot of earning lots of money and manipulating money in a calculative and measured way which is a worthy financial risk.
9. Money needs life education than formal education
Well all of us know it very well that most of the millionaires are the drop outs. Life teaches so many essential and crucial lessons which formal education never does. Real world teaches you big and biggest lessons about money management.
10. Money respects education too
No doubt, millionaires prefer life education over formal education but always respect the value and importance of education. Millionaires believe to stay updated with all current affairs and issues about the world and society rather wasting time over entertainment.
11. Money don’t needs money to evolve
Millionaires believe money is unlimited. If you don’t have money that doesn’t mean that there isn’t money at all. You don’t exactly need money to create and earn money but you need creative ideas, solutions to problems, knowledge of problem solving to add values and profit.
12. Money has got magnetic effect
Millionaires know that money attract everything be it good or bad. When you value money, it attracts good factors and when you disrespect money it attracts bad factors. So, money is the ultimate centre which balances your life in a good way or in a bad way.
13. Money making takes time
There’s no shortcut. Everyone knows it, and those who don’t trust me there is no shortcut for earning money. You can’t get overnight success and wealth. It is a complete process which trades time, efforts, ideas, dedication and sacrifices.
14. Money is not the priority
No matters how much wealthy you are or how much rich you are, money should never affect your peace, happiness, relationships and health. All these factors comes at the first priority for everyone and money should never manipulate these.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.