13 Effective Herbs To Improve Your Sex Life
This post was last updated on July 10th, 2023
We all need sex and there’s nothing to feel embarrassed about it. And according to Kinsey Institute every 7 out of 10 people are experiencing sexual problems such as low interest in sex, erectile dysfunction, difficulty in orgasm, low sperm count, women infertility. If you think your sex life needs some improvement or a boost too and you have tried all your best, then you might need to try something more effective and natural. Have you ever thought about trying some herbs? You read it right. There are some herbs that can actually help you to improve your sex life. Herbs can help you for having better sex as they are completely natural, organic and free of side effects. Now let’s explore those miraculous herbs that can enhance your sexual relationships.
1. Horny Goat Weed
Horny Goat Weed is a perennial herb, abundantly found on the hillsides and cliffs of China, Korea and Japan. This herb is believed to be aphrodisiac in nature used for the treatment of sexual issues in humans such as premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and impotence. This herb has a compound in it called epimedium that inhibits the enzyme action restricting the blood flow to the penis.
2. Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo Biloba or you can say Maidenhair tree which is native to China. Ginkgo boosts the blood flow increasing the circulation without increasing blood pressure. It stimulates the blood flow to the capillaries under skin for extra sensitivity and sensation.
3. Maca
Maca is a herb natively found in Peru which helps in increasing stamina, strength, libido, normalizing all the sex hormones such as testosterones, progesterone, estrogens. It treats infertility in both men and women. It regularizes women menstrual cycle reducing the cramps and also reduces stress.
4. Ginseng
Another herb that can improve your sex life is ginseng which is a perennial herb with fleshy roots broadly found in North America and Eastern Asia. Gingend primarily helps in treating erectile dysfunction in men and also improves sexual arousal in women who have experienced menopause. This root was traditionally used as Chinese medicine for treating low libido and stress that reduces the sexual desire.
5. Ashwagandha
This is believed to be Indian Ginseng which is an aphrodisiac short, tender perennial shrub, answer to all sexual problems. Ashwagandha can help in boosting sexual stamina, increasing sperm count, reducing stress, boosting the production of sex hormones, increasing sexual desire and longevity. This herb helps in improving your nervous system stimulating the nitric oxide production in your body to activate the blood vessels for carrying the blood to the genitals.
6. Kava
Kava is natively found in Polynesian Islands which has the ability to calm down the nerves and to reduce stress in both men and women. Stress, anxiety and tension are one of the vital reasons behind all sexual issues but Kava helps in treating sexual dysfunction caused due to self induced mental issues.
7. Kaunch
Kaunch or mucuna beans are the nature’s gift loaded with a compound called L-Dopa similar to dopamine hormone which is double powerful as aphrodisiac. This coumpound increases the level of testosterone boosting the sexual drive in both men and women. It also reduces the menstrual cramps in women, increases sperm motility in men increasing the men fertility.
8. Pine Pollen
Pine pollen was traditionally used as Chinses medicine for powerful androgenic effect and vitality boosting substance. This herb has surprising benefits for improving your sex life as it boosts your hormonal system increasing the sexual desire and sexual drive for better longetivity and stamina. It restores sexual and vital essence in both men and women.
9. Vanilla
Vanilla is derived from orchids family whose major species are currently grown globally. Vanilla has its own sexual stimulating qualities which helps treating erectile dysfunction, low sexual desire, stress and also enhances the mood for having intense sexual intercourse.
10. Shilajit
Shilajit, a traditional and valuable medicinal herb of India obtained from the Himalayan mountains which plays a great role in treating sexual dysfunction in both men and women. A special compound present in the herb called fulvic acid helps to increase testosterone levels, spermatogenesis, sperm motility, sperm count in men and ovogenesis in women.
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11. Muira Puama
Muira puama or ptychopetalum means “potency wood” is a shrub which is used medicinally for increasing libido, sexual desire and intensified orgasms. This herb helps to maintain sexual desire even after menopause in women.
12. Tongkat Ali
Tongkat ali is a rare tree natively found in Indonesia and is known as one of the most significant and powerful hormone and sex drive stimulating herbs. This herb boosts the testosterone levels. It can be very useful for women for increased arousal for sex desire and erogenous sensitivity. It increases libido in women and is a great stress reliever.
13. Gokshura
Gokshura or Gokhru is an annual herb commonly found in North America having the property of escalating the secretion of testosterone. This herb has the aphrodisiac properties which increases the sexual arousal in both men and women. Gokhru is one of the best herbs that can help to improve your sex life as it increases the level of nitric oxide in your body making erections easier sustaining it a quite long time.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.