10 Tips to Cleaning Your Carpet

This post was last updated on December 26th, 2024

How to Clean Carpet

Carpet cleaning is easier said than done, but below are 10 tips for doing it:

1. Acquire the right gear

Different zones in your house usually have different needs and that is why you need to ensure that you invest in the right gear to address all these needs. For instance, a vacuum cleaner you would use for your living room carpet may not be the best for your staircase carpet.

2. Avoid eating from carpeted areas

Even as an adult, you will spill your drinks and food sometimes if not at all times. These spills make it difficult for you to clean your carpet especially if they leave stains. So avoid these areas especially when having drinks or greasy food.

3. Treat stains immediately

One rule of thumb when it comes to carpet cleaning is treating stains as soon as they happen. This will save you the hassle of getting it off when cleaning the house without yielding any positive results. Use a wet piece of cloth to blot from the outside towards the inside to prevent the stain from enlarging.

4. Deep clean

Deep cleaning at least twice a year is a good practice and it will not only give you an easy time cleaning your carpets but will also help maintain hygiene in your household. There is nothing wrong with deep cleaning more than two times a year and also make sure that you have fully functional cleaning aids. You can check the reviews found here and get yourself a vacuum cleaner of your choice.

5. Use stain resistant products

Immediate treatment is one way to deal with stains, but you can also use stain resistant products to help prevent them. This can be a good practice especially if you have kids in the house because sometimes it can be hard to control them and you will not always be around them even when in the house.

6. Install blinds on your windows

Most of the time, carpets trap in dust that wades its way through the windows. Your window blinds and curtains are not only for looks, but will help to reduce the UV sun rays and dust in your carpets.

7. Take off your shoes

Shoes can be abrasive and they also trap dust which will get transferred to the carpet. So, develop a culture of taking off your shoes when you get into your house and you will have an easier time cleaning your carpet.

8. Vacuum

This is a no brainer and every carpet owner knows that it is important to vacuum the carpet at least twice a week. You can buy a robot vacuum cleaner or buy a hand-held one then make sure to use it twice or once a week.

9. Use household ingredients to clean

For instance, you can use club soda or vinegar to clean wine and beer stains. You can also freeze dried gum using an ice cube the use a spoon to take it off.

10. Call the experts

There is nothing wrong with calling professional cleaners every once in a while to clean for you. In fact, you can have them deep clean for you as they usually have advanced equipment and have a few cleaning tricks up their sleeves to ensure the work is done perfectly.


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