10 Things Guys Are Embarrassed About
This post was last updated on August 5th, 2023
It’s common for females to see men as strong and confident beings that can sometimes lack shame. A man farting is many times not meme-worthy, but a woman farting is another story.
In the social structure that has been built, it seems like, socially, women have more reasons and situations to be embarrassed about than men. As you think about this, you might even come to think: “What do guys get embarrassed about?”
You would be surprised to discover what makes a man blush out of embarrassment:
1. Cleaning their place
Some men can live in a pigsty and they don’t have a problem with it. Cleaning is simply not their thing and they rather let the dishes pile than get their hands dirty. However, other men do like having their place nice and tidy, but they’ll feel embarrassed about the idea of you imagining them cleaning their place.
It’s a sexist social construction that women clean and men wash their car. That a guy doing the toilets or vacuuming under the couch can be emasculating. It’s not!
2. First dates
You’d be surprised about this one, but it’s true, men get just as embarrassed as women on a first date. Of course, men are expected to always make the first move and ask a girl out, and on first dates, men are expected to be all confident and relaxed. But they’re human too, they feel embarrassment and shyness, and first dates are just as uncomfortable for men than they are for women.
3. Buying performance pills for the bedroom
If a guy’s ‘ “buddy” is not performing as he would want in the bedroom it can cause quite an overwhelming wave of embarrassment and worry. What keeps a guy a bit calmer in such a situation, is having trust in his partner that the problem won’t leave the bedroom walls.
But when a man has to go to a pharmacy and buy Viagra, this can become an even bigger embarrassment, the fear of running into someone they know, or the fear of having the pharmacist know that you’re having a bit of a problem downstairs. Luckily for men, it is now possible to buy Viagra online here, avoiding any embarrassing social interaction involved in getting a little help.
4. Puppy Love
By puppy love we mean those early stages of marvellous and corny love. When “baby”, “sweetie” and “pumpkin” are common names to call each other, even in public. A woman can easily act cheesy and in love in public without feeling any sort of shame. But men, even if they’re head-over-heels in love, do tend to get embarrassed about public demonstrations of love. Regardless of their emotional state, they prefer to keep a “though man” façade.
Relax! It’s nice to be in love and to show it to the world.
5. Showing certain emotions
Sadness, frustration or defeat are emotions that men are embarrassed to show. That’s why men will go beyond their means to swallow their tears, which can actually have adverse effects on their mental health, it’s normal to cry! As with sadness; frustration and defeat are two other emotions that men will hardly show in public out of fear of being label weak.
For thousands of years, men have been educated to appear brave and strong, so showing any sign of weakness can be unacceptable for their psyche. Hopefully, this will change soon. It’s important to let out our emotions instead of suppressing them.
6. Being caught drinking a girly drink
If you think that all men love beer, this would be a reckless generalization. But we all have a set image of what a man is “suppose” to like; watch sports, drink beer and be strong. Well… actually, a lot of men like those sweet flavoured drinks that have an umbrella straw in them, but if they stick to drinking beer in public places is because, many times, they’re afraid of what others might think if they’re caught drinking a cosmopolitan or a daiquiri.
It’s ok men of the world, minds are changing worldwide, you should order that cosmopolitan if you want.
7. Liking certain music
Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, The Backstreet Boys and the list can be endless. “Girly” music for teenage girls, right? No, not always, you’d be surprised to discover how many men like singing to Justin Bieber’s Baby, or Miley Cyrus’ Party in The USA. They’ll probably not going to dance to it at the club or play their “shame” playlist with their friends around, but if you scroll through a guy’s Spotify lists you’ll find a lot more than you would imagine.
8. “Girly” body lotion
They smell nice and they feel nice. They moisturize your skin leaving it like 1800 thread Egyptian cotton sheets. Unfortunately for men, their “manly” smelling beauty products are very limited, and the quality is not always as good as women’s products.
If you think that only women like having soft and moisturized skin, think again. But it’s very unlikely that you’ll smell your male co-worker smelling like peaches and cream, or blueberry mist.
9. Chapstick
Just as with skin, men also get cracked lips. However, men are more self-conscious when it comes to applying chapstick in their dry and cracked lips. When they do apply it, they’ll choose a private environment where no one can see. It’s very unlikely that you’ll see a guy casually applying chapstick after a meal in a public restaurant.
No! You don’t have to battle dry lips because of sexist standards, you apply that chapstick whenever you want.
10. Back hair
Testosterone is the main hormone to blame for body hair. Women have small amounts, which is why they don’t generally grow as much hair as men do. However, some men have too much testosterone, giving them the appearance of a furry teddy bear. Some men will rock their hairy looks with pride, but many, many others detest their back hair.
Not only does it make it unbearable during the summer season, but they can also perceive it as unattractive, the reason why they’ll have it waxed every now and then.
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