10 Reasons To Start Including Fish In Your Diet
This post was last updated on September 13th, 2024
Do you want to have flawlessly young skin, luscious thick hair, healthy digestive system, great brain health and protect your body from a host of diseases? If yes, then it is time to indulge in your favourite sea foods in the healthiest possible way. Medical experts have found that people leaving in the coastal region enjoy better health and life span and this is due to inclusion of fish in their daily diet.
The advantages of eating fish are numerous as it is rich in essential nutrients like vitamin D, protein, phosphorous and calcium. This wonder food is loaded with lots of minerals like zinc, iron, iodine, magnesium and potassium. Lately, people have become more aware about the importance of including omega 3 fatty acids in their diet, so fish must be your first choice.
Here are 10 reasons to start including fish in your diet that will clearly explain the advantages of eating fish for overall regulation of various bodily functions:
1. Reduces Risk Of Heart Disorders
Various cardiology studies have found that regular intake of fish can lower the risk of heart diseases to a great extent. The omega 3 fatty acids in fish help in reducing LDL cholesterol levels, triglycerides, blood clotting and also regulate the blood pressure.
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2. Great For Eye, Skin & Hair Health
Fish is rich in vitamin E and omega 3 fatty acids and consuming fish regularly can solve many of your basic problems. These nutrients help in improving eye health by strengthening the muscles and nerves around the eyes. Apart from improving your vision, regular intake of fish can solve major skin and hair problems.
3. Helps In Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease
One of the best advantages of eating fish is that it helps in boosting your brain’s health. Studies have found that people who eat fish on daily basis are less prone to brain related diseases like Alzheimer’s. Eating fish regularly increases the grey matter in the human brain that leads to slower degeneration of brain cells while improving the cognitive functioning of the brain.
4. Lowers The Risk of Cancer
Fish is great source of protein and essential minerals along with omega 3 fatty acids that help in building body’s immunity and also fights the free radical effect in the body that leads to cancerous growth. Adding fish in your daily diet can help in reducing the risk of several kinds of cancer such as throat cancer, mouth cancer, pancreatic cancer, colon cancer, etc.
5. Helps In Treating Arthritis
Omega 3 fatty acids are the kind of good fats that helps in treating several ailments. Since fish is an abundant source of this wonder nutrient, consuming fish on daily basis can largely help in relieving the symptoms of arthritis. Fish is also rich in vitamin E which helps in treating the symptoms.
6. Improves Quality of Sleep
Your sleep cycle will get regulated when you start consuming fish frequently. Medical experts suggest that having fish more than thrice a week can improve the quality of sleep as they are loaded with vitamin D that helps in boosting sleep hormones called serotonin.
7. Helps In Treating Depression
As said above, consuming fish on regular basis can be beneficial in improving the production of serotonin hormones. This is why doctors recommend people suffering from depression to eat fish as it reduces the level of stress or cortisol hormones and treats the symptoms of depression.
8. Prevents PMS Symptoms
The pre-menstrual symptoms like pain in breasts, back and abdomen, joint and muscle pain, mood swings, gastrointestinal problems, changes in appetite, fatigue, anxiety, acne depression, etc. can be overwhelming. To prevent them from occurring, women suffering from these symptoms must consume fish on regular basis as omega 3 fatty acids in them works wonders in treating them.
9. Helps In Preventing Occurrence Of Auto-Immune Diseases
Several medical studies have revealed that eating fatty fishes on regular basis can significantly reduce the risk of auto-immune diseases like type 1 diabetes. It has been found that high content of vitamin D in fishes help in boosting body’s immunity levels along with metabolic functions.
10. Reduces The Level Of Bad Cholesterol
High cholesterol levels in the body are the main reason for their accumulation in the arteries that lead to heart diseases. In order to lower the level of LDL or bad cholesterol, start consuming fishes with high amounts of omega 3 fatty acids that work effectively in preventing their deposits on the walls of the arteries.
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