10 Natural Ways To Keep Diabetes Away
Of all the lifestyle diseases we hear today, it is diabetes that has become a household name and India has been termed as the diabetic capital in the world by several medical studies. All of us know some or the other person who is suffering from this incurable disease. Surveys have found that the number of diabetic patients has soared from 108 million in 1980 to whopping 422 million approx in 2014.
With such drastic multi fold increase in the number of diabetic patients, it becomes extremely pertinent for us to understand what diabetes is and what can be done to protect ourselves from this disease.
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder. Our body’s metabolic functions convert the food we eat into glucose and simultaneously, our pancreas release insulin which helps the body use this glucose to fulfil the energy requirements. Diabetes occurs when the body fails to produce adequate amounts of insulin, this is also termed as type 1 diabetes. On the other hand, type 2 diabetes is caused when the body rejects the insulin produced.
Some of the prominent symptoms of diabetes include frequent urination, excessive thirst, blurred vision, fatigue, low immunity, poor healing of wounds, etc. The most unfortunate thing associated with diabetes is that it cannot be cured but with proper care, it symptoms can be kept under check. Here are 10 natural ways to prevent diabetes that must be incorporated in routine life to ensure that you stay healthy and diabetes free life:
Add More Fruits & Veggies In Your Diet
One of the most viable ways to prevent diabetes is by gifting your body high dose of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants on daily basis by including a bowl of fresh fruits and vegetables salad in your diet.
Carrots, onions, tomatoes, cucumber, beetroots, lettuce, broccoli, etc. are excellent choices for a nutrition packed salad. In addition, consume your salads with some vinegar that can help the blood in absorbing less sugar from the meals and thus prevent diabetes.
Consume High Fibre Diet
While your body needs to be fed with nutritional food, it is whole grains that you must incorporate in your daily diet on urgent basis to stay away from diabetes. One of the best ways to prevent diabetes is to have high fibre diet especially in breakfast. Fibre rich food helps in reducing blood sugar levels in the body and restores digestive and heart health.
Maintain An Ideal BMI
Several research studies have found that people who maintain an ideal BMI (Body Mass Index) ratio are at a lower risk of suffering from diabetes. To maintain ideal BMI, one must ensure to incorporate workouts and yoga in their routine. Suitable lifestyle changes must be made to reverse the ill effects of sedentary lifestyle. Having a normal BMI will help in reducing the risk of diabetes by up to 70 percent.
Quit Smoking
Smoking is a major cause for major number of fatal diseases. Along with lung cancer, smoking is also responsible for causing diabetes. Smoking increases the risk of diabetes as it leads to severe changes in the way body processes and regulates sugar derived from food, causing imbalances in blood sugar level.
Nicotine in cigarettes triggers production of triglycerides, which is a type of fat linked to insulin resistance. Getting rid of this habit can lower the risk of not only diabetes but a host of other lifestyle disorders.
Have 2 Cups Of Coffee Everyday
While medical studies still argue about the pros and cons of drinking coffee, many studies back the fact that having 2 cups of coffee without sugar each day can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by 29 percent. Coffee is full of powerful antioxidants that help regulating insulin activity and thereby is beneficial for people who want to lower the risk of diabetes. However, having too much coffee and that too, with sugar can increase the risk of major lifestyle diseases to a large extent.
Get Hooked To Walking
We all know that exercising is a sure shot way to attain healthy mind and body. But the fast paced life and multiple responsibilities at home and work place does not leave most people in a position to bring exercise in their routine. But if you want to prevent diabetes, walking is perhaps the best exercise.
Brisk walking for around 40 minutes daily will help in lowering the risk of diabetes to a considerable extent. Walking helps in regulating metabolic activities and keeps insulin levels balanced. Walk to short distances instead of taking vehicles, be more active at work place, take the stairs instead of elevator, etc.
De-Stress Yourself
Studies suggest that a healthy mind makes a healthy body and it is rising stress in our lifestyle that we are inviting a host of diseases to make home in our bodies. Starting from a mild headache to fatal diseases like cancer, stress is the root cause for major bodily disorders. Stress leads to critical changes in the hormonal functions, leads to sleep disorders, causes fatigue, mood swings, inappropriate changes in diet, etc. All of these can substantially improve the risk of diabetes. Try relaxation techniques, plan tours, opt for yoga or gym classes, eat healthy food, learn to prowess the art of time management, etc. Such positive activities can bring down the cortisol levels in the body, thereby lowering the risk of diabetes.
Recommended: Top 7 Tips to Control Diabetes
Stay Away From Junk Foods
Today’s hectic world has compelled people to resort to easy and cheap meals in the form of junk foods that are loaded with carbs and transfats and devoid of nutritional value. They are hard to resist and easily available due to which the percentage of obese people in the world is on the rise. Apart from obesity, fast foods are responsible for major digestive disorders and heart diseases along with causing imbalances in the insulin levels. So avoid junk foods and have more of whole grains, fresh fruits, veggies and dairy products to stay away from diabetes.
Add The Power Of Cinnamon In Your Diet
Research studies reveal that people who consume cinnamon either in oil or powder form have about 48 percent lesser risk of suffering from diabetes. It has been studied that cinnamon is highly potent in lowering the unhealthy cholesterol and triglycerides from the body. Reduction of cholesterol naturally helps in balancing sugar level in the blood, thus cutting the risk of diabetes to a significant extent.
Have A Diet Rich In Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Fishes, flax seeds, chia seeds, etc. are great ways to gift your body with the magical health benefits of omega 3 fatty acids. These fats are known as good fats as they stimulate the production of good cholesterol called HDL and reduce the level of LDL or bad cholesterol, thus preventing the accumulation of LDL in the wall of the arteries causing blockages. Omega 3 fatty acids are therefore great for heart and since they reduce cholesterol which in turn, helps in balancing blood sugar levels, have a diet rich in omega 3 fatty acids to prevent diabetes.
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Snehashree Bhat
A young writer who loves to pen words from creative perspective. Passionate internet surfer, a versatile homemaker and a person who finds pleasure in adopting healthier and positive changes in her persona. An enthusiastic feminist who wishes to make serious changes in the stereotypical thought process of the society via the voice of her words.