10 Myths About Root Canal Treatment
This post was last updated on May 16th, 2021
1. Root Canal Treatment requires a lot of visits to the Dentist
Root Canal Treatment usually requires 2 – 3 visits to the Dentist. However, it can also be done within a single sitting, but may extend the appointment duration. Access Opening (opening up the tooth to gain access to pulp chamber and root canals) and Biomechanical Preparation (cleaning and shaping the root canals with endodontic files) can be done together in one appointment or separately in two appointments. Obturation (filling the root canals with inert rubber based material called Gutta Percha) can be done during the next dental visit.
2. Root Canal Treatment can cause Illness
This is a myth and a false assumption. It is possible to save a tooth from further decay or damage by root canal treatment. Root Canal Procedure involves removal of infected/ inflamed pulp from the pulp chamber and root canals of tooth and replacement with inert rubber based material called Gutta Percha.The common causes that tend to affect the pulp are: cracked tooth, deep caries, repeated dental treatments or trauma. Infact, this treatment eliminates bacteria that harbors in root canals. Eg. E. faecalis associated with failed endodontic treatment can be eliminated by re-treatment.
3. Root Canal Treatment involves removal of the roots of the tooth
One must first fully understand about the anatomy of a tooth before understanding root canal treatment. Every tooth has outer enamel layer that encloses the hard dentin layer and soft tissue pulp. Pulp is the soft tissue that contains blood vessels and nerves to nourish the tooth to maintain its vitality. Pulp is housed within the pulp chamber and root canals of a tooth. In root canal treatment, pulp along with its nerve supply is removed from the pulp chamber and root canal of a tooth. It does not involve removal of the roots of the tooth, which is a false misconception.
4. Root canal Cost in Bangalore is High
Root Canal Treatment in Bangalore is not expensive, but neglect is! In fact, extracting and then replacing a tooth/teeth prosthetically results in more treatment procedures. This could eventually cost more and could even impact the neighboring teeth and gums. Therefore, it is better to do root canal treatment, which saves the tooth and retains the normal functions of tooth. Root Canal Cost in Bangalore may vary depending on how many canals the tooth has, if re – treatment has to be done for past root canal treatment, or on who performs the root canal treatment (general dentist or a specialist).
5. Root canal therapy is risky
Root canal treatment is a safe procedure. However, some risk may remain associated with it. If the dentist misses a root canal, bacteria may persist and this may mandate re – treatment. A missed crack in the root of the tooth can serve as a portal of re – entry of bacteria. Dull pain may persist sometimes after root canal treatment, especially if there was pain or inflammation before the procedure. However, this pain may subside. Sodium Hypochlorite used during irrigation can be caustic to tissues if mishandled. The above mentioned possibilities are rare and root canal treatment is a completely safe procedure!
6. Pregnant women can’t have root canal treatment
Root canal treatment will require a series of X – rays to be taken, which is not advised during pregnancy. However, a dental emergency will require intervention.
7. Even with a Root Canal Treatment, the Tooth Will Come Out
Periapical abscess can form at the root apex as a result of severe infection. This may instead result in bone loss, which can in turn cause tooth mobility. Root Canal Treatment can instead prevent periapical abscess by removal of necrosed pulp and its replacement with inert gutta percha material.
8. Root Canal Treatment should precede crown placement
Not everyone who receives crown prosthesis will require root canal treatment before. Root canal treatment is required in case of deep caries that approaches or reaches the pulp of the tooth. Other reasons for root canal treatment may include trauma, dislodged restoration and secondary caries approaching pulp, etc.
9. Root Canal Treatment does not last long
This is a myth. With proper care, root canal treatment can last a lifetime with affordable Root canal cost in Bangalore! Root Canal Treatment in Bangalore has a high success rate (~95%) and may rarely fail due to iatrogenic reasons like missed root canal, etc.
10. Pulling a tooth is better than getting a root canal
Extraction is the last resort to any dental problem. If the natural tooth can be saved by root canal treatment, then extraction should be avoided. Also, prosthetic replacement following extraction of tooth will cost more than the root canal cost in Bangalore and also impact neighboring teeth and tissues. Therefore, it is recommended to save the tooth through a root canal treatment, which will also maintain the normal form and function of the tooth.
Author Bio
Dr. Priyanka Shingore graduated in 2008, obtained her BDS degree from the faculty of dentistry at the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences. Upon graduating, she was selected to complete a multi-disciplinary hospital residency at Government Dental College and Hospital, Mumbai. This residency provided her with advanced training in all the specialties of dentistry. Dr. Priyanka then moved to private practice, working as an associate dentist.
Dr. Priyanka has a diploma in Soft Tissue Lasers from IALD and fellowship in Implant & Esthetic Dentistry. Dr. Priyanka completed MBA in Hospital Management and Clinical Research. She has worked at Sabka Dentist since 2012 and is pleased to say that their advanced technology allows dentists like her to provide patients with painless, gentle dentistry and a pleasant experience.
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