Why Should We Walk After Meal?
Walking after meal is now scientifically proven that it improves digestion and control blood sugar. It helps in accelerating the rate of digestion. People with high blood sugar levels (diabetes, pre-diabetes), should walk for 20 minutes after a meal which helps to stop the blood sugar spike. In fact researchers say that 3 short walks after each meal is better for blood sugar control than one long walk a day. Moreover, walking lso helps in burning some calories, reducing stress and improving mood. There’s a myth related to walking after meals that walking after meals causes fatigue, stomach ache and other kind of discomforts. But walking after meals promote effective weight loss and lowers the risk of obesity. Some essential reasons why we should walk after meal, as follows.
Lowers Blood Sugar
Type 2 diabetic patients are benefited by regular walking after having their meals. After having dinner the blood sugar levels escalates due to breakdown of food components. But when you walk after having dinner, the body becomes physically active which uses the excess glucose present in the blood which controls sugar levels. Walking after meals help in the secretion of insulin from the pancreas which prevents diabetes.
Weight Loss
Walking after meals helps to reduce your waistline significantly which burn calories and helps in losing some weight. Even if you are not a regular exerciser you can walk at least for 15 minutes after each meal to lead a healthy lifestyle being fit and slimmer gradually.
Promotes better Sleep
Especially a walk after dinner or an evening walk promotes a better sleep. Because there are very rare people who sleep or take a nap at day time. Walking after dinner improves digestion and stimulates metabolism. It also improves blood circulation and reduces stress which promotes sound sleep.
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Improves Metabolism
Our body metabolism gets stimulated when we walk after a meal and a better improved metabolism means a slimmer body which activates all organs and boosts all body process to function effectively.
Prevents Heart attack and Stroke
When we walk after each meal, the cholesterol gets removed from the blood and thus it prevents the restricted blood supply to brain and heart. However there will be an increased blood flow to vital organs which has no risk factor for attack and brain stroke.
Lowers Triglyceride preventing fatty Liver
Walking after meal eliminates bad cholesterol from our body which are ingested with our food. It’s better to walk after each meal to get rid of all triglycerides from the body which causes fatty liver diseases.
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Reduce Stress
Walking in sunlight helps in the growth of brain cells and also improves bone density. Walking reduces stress by improving your mood and blood circulation. Walking makes you a little closer to nature which relaxes your mind reducing anxiety and depression.
Prevents Esophageal Reflux
When you walk or stand your food flows down into gut easily as gravity helps keep acid in your stomach and not jumping outside it. People with reflux have higher rates of esophageal cancer. You could cut your risk of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) to 50% just by walking after meals.
Improves Blood Circulation
A simple 15-minute walk after eating your meal not only lowers blood levels of fat that are triglycerides and cholesterol, but also improves blood circulation to various parts of the body because walking ensures proper supply of oxygen and nutrients to the heart which promotes better blood circulation.
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Priyadarshini Muduli
A full time passionate writer with imperishable determination to bring healthy, smart and pragmatic changes individually and socially. Concentrate especially on lifestyle, life and personal improvement, relationships, mental health and behavior, viral issues and literature based subjects.